Amr Sukkar
Company Founder/General Manager, E.m.m (Egyptian Center for Medicine and Medical Devices)
Amr Sukkar obtained Ph.D. in management (Leader/Owner attributes and the focus of businesses on environmental sustainability) supervised by Dr. Joseph LeVesque, MPhil degree from the Maastricht School of Management, supervised by Dr. Stephanie Jones, his MBA from the Arab Academy Graduate School of Business, Diploma of Negotiation and Bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
A certified trainer, he has diversified experience in the field of pharmaceutical and medical devices in multi-national and local companies, in addition to his role as Global Marketing Manager in a leading medical devices company.
He is Assistant Professor at MSA and was a visitor lecturer at Ain Shams University. A freelance trainer in many organisations, Amr has delivered training programs in business topics (Management speciality’s):
- Entrepreneurship
- Consumer Behaviors
- Creating, Structuring and Managing Organizations
- Organisation Behaviour
- Business Communication
- Fundamentals of Marketing
- Principles of Management
- Business Administration
- How to in an Interview
- How Successful People Think
- Ten Rules of success
His books:
Leadership in a green business era
كتاب النجاح بالفطرة
كتاب صحح مفاهيمك
كتاب الدرب الآحمر
Publication in international Business and Management Journals:
- Jones, S., & Sukkar, A. (2015). Powering on Potential: Assessing the Potential of Leaders of Emerging Markets to Improve Their Countries' Environmental Sustainability. Effective Executive, 18(1), 7.
- Sukkar, A. (2016). The Leader’s Behavioural Approach To Business Sustainability;A Case Study: Egyptian Small And Medium Enterprises. Palgo Journal of Business Management (PJBM).Volume 3 Issue 1,August 2016.Page 49-58
- Sukkar, A. (2016). Leader attributes and the focus of businesses on environmental sustainability: a case study of SMEs in Egypt . Talk presented at The 2nd International Conference University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), Managing the Transition Period in Egypt: Integrated Strategies towards Developmental Reform
- Sukkar, A.(2017). Local Economy’s Challenges and its relationship with the Egyptian national security, www.ligsuniversity.com/en/publication/local-economy-s-challenges-and-its-relationship-with-the-egyptian-national-security
- Sukkar, A.E. (2017). Culture influences and Leadership theories, A case study: Egyptian culture. Journal of basic and applied Research, 3(4): 133-135
- Sukkar, A.E. (2017). Sustainability: Its Factors and its Performance Evaluation. Journal of Commerce and Educational Thoughts, 2017, 1, 14-30 Published Online: October 10, 2017