Anthonia Okpaegbe
Video & Movies Lead, Airtel Networks Limited Nigeria
My name is Anthonia Okpaegbe (nee Ajalie). I work for Airtel Networks Limited Nigeria in the Marketing Department as Video & Movies Lead (Managerial role). I am responsible for our Movies, Video & Digital Entertainment Genre where we develop products or packages around video services (such as series, and movies on subscription or transactional basis, SVOD, TVOD etc).
I obtained an MBA from LIGS with specialty in Project Management. I had always been a Science student then made the switch from technical to Marketing, starting out without requisite business skills. I was looking for a self-paced online program that would enable me learn and work simultaneously. LIGS University accorded me the flexibility to study and write exams at my convenience, this being what I loved the most about the program.
It was a great learning experience for me, arming me with the tools I need to help me on the job. The seminar papers have helped me improve on my writing and presentations at work. Fortunately, I have a boss that can confirm my stated position on the improvement in skills and work handling I have developed. The courses I really enjoyed are Management, Marketing, Strategic Management, Marketing Communication, Global Marketing, and Intercultural Communication.