Dear readers, are you ready for more in 2023? We would like to dedicate this year to effective work, achieving and therefore.. Goals setting.
Let’s talk about goals and how to achieve them effectively. Where to start or what to focus on. Is your vision board overwhelmed with too many goals that are just giving you stress and anxiety instead of helping you? I hear you I’ve been there, I am sure we all have. It’s simple to dream and waste time with “Vision boards” and planners that will only leave us feeling like we have no life. In order to learn how to effectively create vision boards and achieve what we write on it, we need to have a deeper understanding of what it actually means.
Today, we will learn about “vision board fundamentals” as I like to call it.
When you were little and you always had the need to draw. Anytime you saw a pencil, you’d draw. It didn’t matter where and on what, you just did. And it lasted through elementary school, middle school, high school.. And you are still finding yourself right now loving the same activity. That’s called passion.
Passion is something we are born with, we can’t live without it and it gives us a drive.
Purpose is much more deeper than a passion. If your passion is your purpose, you may be called lucky. But it’s not a bad thing if your purpose is different from your passion.You can either learn how to combine them, or you can fulfill your life by doing both. Not every passion has to be your career nor your purpose. But ideally, you’d like your purpose to make you money.. In order to put your purpose in purpose.
For example, someone’s passion is to draw. But their personality is a perfect fit for being a social worker. Therefore, their purpose is to help others in difficult situations. It doesn’t mean they no longer love drawing and they are not artists. They are, but the ultimate purpose in their life is to help others. Art has a great ability to express your purpose, so usually you can combine those two and be “lucky”. But is it going to fulfill the person? Art is a statement, but can you physically fight for a children’s future? No, and that’s why your purpose has so much bigger meaning, than your passion alone. Normally, you develop some sort of passion for your purpose as well. In goal setting we always want to be focused on your purpose – potential. Shortly, passion is what impacts you, purpose is the reason you are born and it is supposed to impact others or the world and leave you fulfilled.
Have you found yourself following your passion, but still feeling unfulfilled? That’s probably because you didn’t give your passion a purpose.
“Nature didn’t give people dreams without having the possibility to make them come true”.
Dreams.. an American Dream, how a lot of people call it. Dreams are an interesting tool to transform your passion and purpose into your life. Without dreams there would be no goals, nothing to head toward. No possibilities, no happiness, no life. Dream is where your goal setting starts. It’s the vision of your future, it can be the beginning of your career, your happy life.
Can it? But why can and why not it will. Because dreams are the starting point, they are the idea, they are the vision. They are the possibilities. But they are not the action, the work, the everyday repetition and habits. That’s actually kind of a nightmare for most people..
Dreams only live in our heads unless you turn them into a goal. And a goal into a plan. Well, that can lead to a beautiful dream written on your board. Let’s focus on how to turn your dream into a habit tracker, into your actions. That’s more realistic, because every plan looks beautiful on paper, but it’s always going to feel so much better, when you do it = live it.
Goals, rather call them plans headed toward another level of “finish”. More likely calling it a goal setting.
Goal setting is the process of identifying what you want to achieve in life and creating a plan to make it happen. When setting goals, it is important to be specific and measurable, and to set deadlines for yourself. This helps you track your progress and stay motivated. There are many different methods for setting goals, including SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals, and breaking down large goals into smaller, more manageable steps.
Habits.. but why are we talking about habits, when we are trying to set a goal for this year?
The small stuff. That’s where it all lies at. Just like in expressing love to someone, it’s all in the small things. To achieve a great goal starts with as much as you. You already have all you need and it is enough. It’s only you. I mean.. basically your mind. Change something in there and you can live anything you can imagine. To change your mindset is not easy, but it can be easy done. Just repeat who you want to be and what you want to do every day. Even for ten minutes only, power of repetition is stronger than you craving a chocolate – yes, that strong.
If you can eat lunch every day, you sure can start eating breakfast.
If you can brush your hair every day, you sure can start your skin care.
If you can wash your hands, you can go to the gym.
Creating new habits start with the bare minimum. Not feeling like going to gym? Do a push up and two squats at home. Not feeling like studying? Then listen to a podcast, or just start the assignment. Do the minimum every day, and you will see how naturally it’ll come to you to do more.Because achieving a goal isn’t achieving a goal. It’s who you need to become, to achieve it. You are not going to set a goal to be a pianist, if you already are one right? But to be an international known pianist.. might require a little more of something that you need to change in your mind = create a new habit. If it is a competition, video on YouTube.. to get somewhere means level up who you are.
If you like, follow this link to listen to one of my favorite podcasts about creating morning habits. It may give you ideas on how to be create habits in general.
An example:
– Water intake
– Did I work out today?
– (if it’s not a work out day) Did I follow my goal and ate healthy today?
– Did I get ready for the week/day?
– Are my workouts ready for the following week/day?
– Am I proud of myself today?
– How did I feel about my goal today?
Write this in your journal and every day reflect on yourself and truthfully mark if it’s one or not. It’s always good to add self validating questions in order to express gratitude for yourself regarding your daily results. Remember, every day isn’t going to be perfect and achieving. The point is to create long-term habits that will take you where you want to be for life, not for a moment of your life. Don’t forget to customize your planner or wherever you are writing this down. You can download some trackers online, get tips on YouTube, or create your own the way you will understand it.
And finally, achieving the goal. Taking it slow and day by day, repeating the same habit as many times as needed each day for as long as needed. Preparation is everything. Don’t let life take charge over you, take charge of your life. Plan ahead, consider “life happens” events such as sicknesses, birthdays, holidays, vacations, dates, babies..make that part of your plan. Even though most of these events are unexpected as they should be, always consider that not every day you will be 100% on point like a robot. You’re human and allow yourself to be. Feel angry, happy, sad, feel like staying in bed all day. Feel unmotivated, not disciplined even. You are allowed to. What you shouldn;t allow in order to achieve a goal is to let those things take over you and let life just roll with it as it goes. Expect, don’t punish yourself, keep yourself on track. Make a plan, make it simple, know your limits and most importantly; compare only to the old version of yourself. Because even your biggest idol had a different past than you. People’s lives are not comparable. We are all unique with unique powers and plans.
Now, just like you wake up and brush your teeth, just like that go and achieve just the one little tiny goal of the day. Repeat it every day. And one day, wake up living your dream fulfilled with passion and purpose.
Did you learn something new? Today we learned about specific words and steps and the power of habits. I think we are ready to make an effective vision board!
Next up – A vision board; let’s use all we learned and turn it into a board effectively.