Management is a discipline that is best understood in practice. But where does one find new advice and experience to manage a company? The following five international bestsellers provide theoretical knowledge and practical examples that work. Understand the highest level of leadership, the principle of 80/20, how to break away from the average, and uncover the secrets of Marketing Management. Here is a list of TOP 5 books – reading for managers that will come in handy during your MBA or Ph.D. studies:
A manager is a leader. However, there is a difference between a self-appointed and a natural leader. The first type is obeyed out of obligation; consequently, the atmosphere in the company suffers. The second type leads by example and treats his/her subordinates with respect and dignity.
John C. Maxwell, the author of The 5 Levels of Leadership, is an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of managing people. His description of the first to fifth levels of leadership skills has become the mantra for all executives. Discover for yourself the simple and straightforward instructions on how to be a popular and respected boss.
The 80/20 Principle
Every manager knows the famous Pareto Rule which claims that 80 percent of results stem from only 20 percent of causes. Putting such a principle into practice, however, is more complicated. According to Richard Koch, author of The 80/20 Principle, we are always imprisoned by the idea that the volume of work that we complete linearly affects the amount of earnings we generate, the so-called 50/50 thinking.
Koch argues in his book that the time spent on work has nothing to do with real results and points to the 80/20 rule – 20 percent of the effort is enough for the manager to achieve 80 percent of success. Read how to understand and put the Pareto Rule perfectly into managerial practice in almost 200 pages.
Management – Learn from the Best
Stories of successful personalities are always more than inspiring. Real stories best show what actually works. Choose your model and be motivated by his autobiography. You will be surprised at everything that lies behind the road to the top. The engaging publication What Makes Great Leaders Great: Management Lessons from Icons Who Changed the World compares 60 human destinies from many different fields – artists, politicians, scientists, and entrepreneurs.
All were exceptional thanks to their talents but became leaders thanks to their excellent managerial skills. Find out what made them different! The book by German author Frank Arnold is ideal for all those who prefer light reading to a court list of managerial rules and procedures.
How to Make a Good Company Great
On the basis of strict criteria, the author of Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t, Jim Collins and his research colleagues analyzed an elite group of companies that achieved the highest levels in their segments and remained at the top for at least 15 years. The results of these companies, measured by yields on shares, outperformed the industry average up to sevenfold over the whole monitored period.
What factors helped them to do that? What distinguished the named companies from the only “mediocre” ones? The stimulating research reveals fundamental findings on the managerial skills necessary for business development. Motto: Strategy is not determined by the market but by people!
Marketing Management
The “marketing bible” by two authors – Philip T. Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller – simply must not be missing from the list of must-haves. Marketing Theory and Practical Findings provide a complete overview – this university textbook has thus far not found its match.
In the latest edition of Marketing Management, you will find all the marketing topics, supplemented with tools and modern approaches. The publication takes into account the economic recession, the growing importance of sustainable and “green” marketing, the impact of computers, the Internet, mobile phones, and the related phenomenon of social networks. Each chapter is concluded with a case study. Everything about Marketing Management is available right in this book.