Have you just completed your bachelor degree program, or did your education finish with a high school diploma and you’re thinking about expanding your education further? Does enrolling at a state university seem a bit daunting because it is too theoretical? An online MBA program may be the alternative you’re looking for.
Students who wish to continue after they have completed their undergraduate studies with a business degree can enroll in a graduate program. They have the opportunity to either obtain an MBA (Master of Business Administration) or an MSc degree (Master of Science).
University students without management experience, who aim to broaden their theoretical knowledge in a chosen field, should consider the MSc program. Students who are already in management positions should consider an MBA.
An MBA or MSc will not only help you get a better job, but also a higher salary. However, it is important to choose a school carefully, because they have notably different programs. At this time there are many students who would best be suited for an online form of an MBA or MSc, because they would not have to attend daily lectures and would be able to study while working full-time.
LIGS University offers an Interactive Online MBA program that generally takes 1-2 years. During this time, students gain not only theoretical knowledge and skills in management, finance, and marketing; they also get to enhance their practical knowledge by being exposed to the experience of lecturers and other program participants. Afterwards, they will have the option to continue attending school in a doctoral studies program
The key selection criteria are price, history, and prestige of the school, study language, and application form (whether full-time or online form). The reputation and opportunity to acquire a diploma at a foreign university are other benefits that are valued by students.
LIGS University is one of the few places of learning that meets these criteria.
There are a total of seven schools in the Czech Republic, which offer an online MBA degree and have been in operation for at least one year. When comparing tuitions (stated on the websites of individual institutions), the MBA study program at LIGS University comes out as the most advantageous. We allow you to choose the language of your education, and in addition to Czech, you can also select English or a combination of the two.
Earning a Master of Business Administration or MSc will ensure that you make valuable contacts and most importantly, it will give you the tools to help move you up the corporate ladder.