Ena Fejzagic Livancic

Assistant Professor

Ena Fejzagic is a Business Development professional, currently working as a Business Development Project Manager at Bausch Health. Ena is in charge of monitoring and analyzing marketing strategies on the EMEA level, conducting research of market trends and competitors, and leading the assessment of new business opportunities by a cross-functional team.

From 2014 to 2017, she was part of Business Development team at ELC Group, a leading regulatory consultancy, where she worked with pharmaceutical clients from Europe, India and MENA region on bringing them to their target markets.

In 2012, she joined Partnerships in Health, a non-government organization dealing with health education, training activities and marginalized populations. As a Marketing Project Manager, she was primarily responsible for the marketing activities related to 6th Regional Conference on HIV/AIDS. 

Before 2012, she was a member of the Marketing team at Sparkasse Bank Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she was first exposed to coordination and implementation of international marketing strategies on the local level.

As a UNFPA certified educational trainer, she has an extensive experience in integral and peer education, having organized and led international trainings for young people, promoting reproductive health and rights. She was also certified as an international human rights educator by International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

In 2016, she was one of the conference speakers at 31st International Youth Leadership Conference in Prague, focusing her speech on how to make a positive contribution to the society.

Ena holds a Master’s degree in Management and Marketing from Tomas Bata University in the Czech Republic, with having completed one year of her master studies at Jean Moulin University Lyon III in France.

She has a great passion for tutoring, and is committed to stepping away from the traditional teaching methods, guided by the mantra she has adopted through her educational trainings for young people: “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.”

Motto: “My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be.” - Wayne W. Dyer -