Martin Sirucek

Associate Professor

Martin Sirucek works at the Faculty of Business and Economics at Mendel University in Brno. He worked there as a lecturer focused on investments, capital market, innovation management, corporate, personal and family finances.

In the past, he was employed as a project manager at Grantika Česká spořitelna and Regionální poradenská agentura. He is currently a member of the Accreditation Commission at European Financial Planning Association Czech Republic, a guarantor of their professional competence exams and an Examination Committee member.

In 2008, he graduated with an engineer‘s degree in Economics and Management from the Faculty of Business and Economics at Mendel University in Brno. Later in 2013, he obtained a doctorate degree in Finance. During his doctoral studies in 2012, he worked for WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research) in Vienna.

He has experience with teaching abroad, for example in Greece (Athens University), Portugal (IP Santarém), France (Université Nice) and last but not least in the USA (Texas Tech University, College of Human Science). He participated in Money Show finance conference in San Francisco in 2011.

He is an author of several articles for the professional journal Fond Shop dedicated to investment and portfolio composition. Some of the articles were also published in Lidové noviny. As part of his academic career, he published a number of scientific articles (Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silvicturuae Mandelianae Brunesis, Nová ekonomika, Trends economics and management, Acta Karviniensia, Tools and Techniques for Economic Decision Analyst) and monographs.

During lectures, he prefers maximum engagement, activity and creativity of audience provoking mutual controversy or subsequent topics for discussion.

As a lecturer, he aims to pass on boring textbook texts to students in an interesting and interactive way by using practical examples, so the students can test the theory in practice and real life themselves.

Motto: "Only practice can show if the hardly learned theory works."