ICAN │International Career Advancement Network 

Global community for your success


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The world is changing. Success is not just about one-off studies. It's also about networking, mutual inspiration, motivation, and ongoing personal and professional growth. ICAN brings all this to its members.

Why is LIGS University a partner of ICAN?

High-quality and up-to-date study

Online microlearning form

Flexibility of study

Over 17 years of experience

Global Community

Co-operation and mutual motivation


Webinars and educational courses

Scientific and managerial conferences

Global Community

Why do I need to be a member of ICAN

to study at LIGS University ?

  • ICAN pays the tuition fees for you
    As a condition of studying at LIGS University,
    you must be a member of the professional association ICAN, which pays for your tuition
    at LIGS. It is a requirement for admission
    to any of the degree programs at LIGS University.
  • What membership to choose?
    For sponsored MBA study, simply choose Advanced or Professional membership in ICAN.
    For a sponsored DBA or Ph.D. , choose Professional membership.
  • How can I start my study?
    As an ICAN member, you choose which program you want to study for free as part
    of your membership benefits.

    You will receive a link to the study application form, which you can fill in and start studying immediately.
  • The main goal of ICAN
    ICAN's mission is to bring together professionals from around the world to promote networking, collaboration and development of its members, which is crucial for success in today's rapidly changing world.
  • Additional membership benefits
    In addition to the opportunity to study for free at LIGS University, ICAN membership brings you a host of other benefits, such as access to webinars, an online video library with over 20,000 courses, and many other advantages and benefits.
  • How do I become an ICAN member and start enjoying membership benefits?

Key benefits

of ICAN membership

Free study
at LIGS University

ICAN pays tuition (MBA, DBA or Ph.D.) as part of your membership. Choose
the appropriate membership and take advantage
of this unique benefit.

Networking opportunities

The opportunity to meet professionals from different fields and countries.
Share experiences, network and build a strong professional network.

and practical webinars

Participate in interactive webinars with experts
from around the world.
Get up-to-date information, discuss and expand
your horizons.

Extensive online
video library

More than 20,000 courses
to improve your skills
or expertise.

Access to eBook
and audiobook library

Access more than 3,000 resources for your development.

ICAN Members Networking Group

Join an exclusive group
for sharing experiences
and networking among
ICAN members.

ICAN Newsletter mailing

Regular newsletter with the latest information and tips.

and courses

Discounts on participation
in scientific and management conferences and courses.

Sharing experience
and knowledge

Share your experience
and knowledge with other ICAN members.

Access to the online database

Access a database of current articles and case studies.

of your services

The opportunity to present your services and offers.

Member Webinars

Members have
an opportunity to present webinars to the other members.

What kind of ICAN membership should

I choose to study for free at LIGS University ?

ICAN Mission and Vision


At ICAN every professional can achieve great success in their career.

Our mission is to develop and support that potential. Our global network is dynamic. It's a space for sharing knowledge, networking, and personal and professional growth.

We are committed to giving our members the best resources. We are also committed to giving them great learning opportunities.

We will also give them an innovative platform. It will help them keep up with a fast-changing world and excel in it.

With ICAN, you'll get access to the expertise, inspiration, and support.

They will help you become leaders in your industry and achieve the success you've only dreamed of.

Join us and become part of a community that will help you reach your full potential.


Our mission is to be the world's top community of professionals.

We will open the door to ongoing growth and lifelong learning for our members.

At ICAN the borders and cultural differences aren't barriers.

They are opportunities to create an open community.

In this community, each member can draw inspiration.

They can also use diverse global networks to achieve their goals.

Join ICAN and start studying

  • If you are interested in the possibility of becoming a member of this prestigious association and taking advantage of all the benefits it offers, please do not hesitate to visit the ICAN website.Here you will find detailed information about the different types of membership and the added values that membership brings.
  • Your investment in ICAN membership will pay you back many times over in the form of free quality education, access to valuable resources, networking opportunities and other benefits that will help you take
    your career and personal development to the next level.
  • Become part of a global community of professionals who share the same values and goals. Enter a world
    of unlimited possibilities with ICAN membership and open the door to success in your industry and life.
  • Take the first step towards your dream career and personal fulfilment - join the ICAN today.

What are the steps to achieve your goals?

Choosing Membership

with the benefit of an MBA,
DBA or Ph.D. study according
to your needs and goals


your chosen program

Fulfillment of study conditions

for the chosen type of study

Obtaining MBA, DBA
or Ph.D.

from the LIGS University

Graduation ceremony

with the possibility of personal participation

Contact us

Anything else you're interested in? Schedule a meeting with our experts.

From the life of LIGS University

Tuition fees are paid by ICAN

as part of your membership!

The International Career Advancement Network (ICAN)