Free Public Interactive Webinar Invitation | Tips for a Successful Defense

Are you struggling with your preparation for defense? Let’s work on that! Join us for the upcoming interactive webinar “Tips for a successful defense” with Dr. Rukmini Borooah Pyatt.

Important information:

Dr. Rukmini Borooah Pyatt
  • Topic: Tips for a successful defense
  • Date and time: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 3:00 PM UTC. 
  • Entry: FREE



About the webinar:

The defense is an integral part of a doctoral program. Successfully defending a doctoral dissertation leads to the completion of the doctoral program. The defense is the culmination of a doctoral study. It is the gateway to goal accomplishment, where the nature of these goals may vary from individual to individual.

The defense helps build important transferable skills and abilities such as presentation and communication and engaging in respectful dialogue amid diverse viewpoints while simultaneously defending one’s research and work. 

The main objective of this webinar is to discuss tips and strategies that can make the defense endeavor successful. Discussing tips for a successful defense can also help in the alleviation of stress, often experienced by students just before participating in one. This interactive webinar looks at the beforeduring, and after stages of the defense so that it can be a valuable and enjoyable experience. This webinar will also address some challenges that may arise in the course of the defense and how to navigate through these. Participants’ reflections, inputs, and questions are highly encouraged!


During the webinar we will review the following topics:

● First, in the introduction of the webinar, the defense process will be defined, and its value and significance will be discussed. The defense process will be discussed specifically in the context of LIGS University.

● The various stages of the defense will be analyzed using examples and scenarios, such as the before, during, and after stages. This will clarify for the participants what each stage entails and also make them aware of some challenges that may come up.

● In conclusion, this webinar will summarize the main points discussed and the tips for a successful defense while addressing questions that may come from the participants. Reflections and inputs from webinar participants are always valued, as these make future webinars more powerful.


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