Easy application process

Apply today and start studying tomorrow

Three simple steps to start

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1.  Eligibility for admission to the selected program:

Check if you meet the admission requirements for the selected study

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  • Knowledge of the study language
    Sufficient knowledge of the English language to prepare a capstone project (MBA) or dissertation (DBA and Ph.D.).
  • University degree
    Bachelor's (for MBA), Master's (for DBA and Ph.D.) or equivalent. In case of DBA study, at least five years of management experience.
  • Documents needed for admission
    Copy of proof of highest educational qualification + transcript of records, professional CV, photo, ID (all electronic).
  • Membership in ICAN
    Membership of a professional association International Career Advancement Network (ICAN) that pays for your tuition as one of the benefits of your membership.
  • Admission decision
    Fulfilling the admission requirements, application form (including all necessary documents).
  • Computer technology
    Computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with internet connection.

2. Become a member of the professional association, International Career Advancement Network (ICAN):

ICAN that pays for your tuition as one of the benefits of your membership

  • Complete the ICAN membership application form
    Choose the Advanced membership for MBA study or the Professional membership for DBA and Ph.D. study.
  • Select the option to study
    In the membership application form, select the option to study for an MBA, DBA, or Ph.D. as a benefit of your membership.
  • Membership fee
    You can pay for membership in a single payment or in monthly installments. The single payment is more cost-effective.

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3. Application to study at LIGS University

ICAN that pays for your tuition as one of the benefits of your membership

  • LIGS application form
    You will get a study application form by email.
  • Submitting a LIGS application form
    Completing the application form and sending the necessary documents (copy of proof of highest educational qualification + transcript of records, professional CV, photo, ID) is efficient and convenient. You submit all documents as digital attachments with the application.
  • Starting your study
    In maximum of two working days, you'll get access to the student system and can start your studies.

The International Career Advancement Network (ICAN)

Can we help you with the application, or do you need further information?

We are here for you - Please, contact us

We're happy to help and explain.