Alumni Council


The mission of the LIGS University Alumni Council is to foster and promote life long relationship between the LIGS University and its alumni and to represent the alumni voice within the university government structure.


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Sam Lewatle

Sam Lewatle

Alumni Council President
South Africa

Education: Doctor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, National Education Diploma, Oxford Executive Leadership Certificate, Board of Healthcare Funders Trustee Certificate, Human Resources Management Certified Auditor

He has spent more than 20 years in senior and executive positions in both public and private sector organisations. International experience in working and managing in countries in South Africa, East Africa and West Africa. 

Currently holds an Executive position with a medical scheme organization.

Doris Ike- Okereke

Doris Ike-Okereke

Alumni Council Vice President

Education: Bachelor's in Accountancy, an MBA from Wales, a Master’s in Education from Indiana, USA and a Ph.D. in Management from LIGS University

She is an entrepreneur and a management coach/ consultant whose expertise focuses on human capacity development, strategic business management, leadership and entrepreneurship.

She is a member of the prestigious International Honour Society in Education (KDP Indianapolis, USA), a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria (ICEN),  and a fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) Nigeria.

Lea Dubaj

Lea Dubaj

Alumni Council Secretary













Srikant Parthasarathy

Srikant Parthasarathy


He is an International Arbitrator with over 13 years of experience in the legal field in India and globally. He is a Chartered Accountant, CIMA (UK) all levels qualified, Ph.D. (USA), Hague Academy Alumnus Private law, ASEAN Advanced Law Programme Scholarship recipient National University of Singapore. 

He carries 15 years of experience as a legal counsel and a finance expert. He serves in 34 international law panels and also as an advisor to various Governments. 

He is the author of authoritative book on 'Porter's Five Forces and its application for emerging markets' & 'Competition Law - The EU quotient'.

He has published over 35 peer reviewed articles and book reviews.



Tan Kian Hua

Tan Kian Hua


He is a proven solution leader in the field of cybersecurity and data privacy regionally with records of success and made significant contributions. Well-versed with security governance and policies, lead and oversee to ensure all ICT security matters are conducted accordingly to international standards. 

He is also an adjunct professor at LIGS University and serves as her lead lecturer in cybersecurity modules. He is also an associated lead trainer with Boston Business School International leading their data privacy modules. As an academic researcher, together with other industry professors, has published two best-seller books in the field of cybersecurity and data privacy.  

He holds multiple professional certifications related to Cybersecurity and data privacy.

Roger McCoy

Roger D. McCoy


CFE, ASBC, US Army Veteran
Licensed HVAC Contractor
B.A. Business Administration, California State University, Fullerton, California
MBA. Business Administration, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California
Ph.D. Management, LIGS University

45 years experience in business management. Started in banking and then construction/development finance. Since 1994 primary involved in home services franchising including multiple ownership situations. Recently published in various periodicals and presented at 4 international conferences, including a trip to Africa.





Itang Akamanwam

Itang Akamanwam


Education: Ph.D. in Finance and Accounting from LIGS University, Hawaii, USA; MSc in Accounting and Finance from the University of Liverpool, England, UK; BSc in Accounting from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria

He is a dedicated Chartered Accountant and Chartered Management Consultant. He also holds many professional qualifications and memberships.

He currently serves as a Consulting Accountant to Florina Limited and seconded to Eni Nigeria where he works in their Finance Division in the past twenty years as Accounts Officer. He has several publications in international professional journals to his credit and has presented papers in both local and international conferences on various topics in his area.

Doukoure Youssouf

Doukoure Youssouf















Pavel Šuranský

Pavel Suransky

Czech Republic

















Alumni Council has 40 councilors in total. Their task is to represent the voice of the LIGS University graduates. 


The Alumni Council serves as a liaison between the alumni and the administration. This includes: 

  1. Voicing the interests of alumni during implementation of the strategic plan of the university; 
  2. Promoting the university and assisting with the world-wide enrollment process; 
  3. Helping the university in obtaining human and financial resources necessary to fulfill its mission; 
  4. Making recommendations to the President of the university regarding alumni issues and interests; 
  5. Making recommendations to the administration on policies to improve the university Environment; 
  6. Cooperation with the Student Council in the areas of students’ mentoring and providing career guidance;
  7. Suggests alumni candidates to the Board of Trustees.


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