5 tips to overcome procrastination

‘Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow.’ ‘Tomorrow is another day.’ And so on, and on… You’ve certainly heard these phrases and probably even used them yourselves. But do they even make sense?

As many as 1 in 5 adults (not just students) may be chronic procrastinators. But procrastination doesn’t necessarily equal lazy. Inaction is often caused by anxiety, fear of failure or unhealthy perfectionism.

How to overcome procrastination and get stuff done? Try these 5 methods to beat procrastination forever: 

Know yourself

  • Understand how procrastination affects your life.
  • Think about the habits that often cause it.
  • Insight prevents you from feeling inadequate.
  • It will help you understand the cause of procrastination

Work in a productive environment

  • Choose wisely – where you work and with who.
  • Don’t study in places filled with distractions.
  • A calm and productive environment will help you to focus.
  • There should be no obstacles to studying.

Be realistic

  • Set reasonable targets.
  • Be patient; change won’t come overnight.
  • Avoid self-sabotage from unrealistic deadlines.
  • Don’t set a ‘mission impossible’ for yourself.

Help each other

  • Tell your loved ones about your problem with procrastination.
  • Ask them not to indulge your habit.
  • You will learn responsibility.
  • Your efforts will work towards you not to disappoint your loved ones.

Reward yourself

  • Create a reward system.
  • Similarly, arrange small punishments for failures.
  • Rewards provide incentives.
  • Rewards positively reinforce your efforts and progress.

Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240262


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