Free Public Interactive Webinar Invitation | Career & Income Growth: Achievable Bachelor & MBA Degrees to Enhance Your Future

At LIGS University, we are planning a new look for our degree programs. What will they look like, and what else can our students; current or future – look forward to? 


Important information:Dr. William A. Reed

  • Topic: Career & Income Growth: Achievable Bachelor & MBA Degrees to Enhance Your Future
  • Date and time: Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 4:00 PM UTC.
  • Entry: FREE

About the webinar:

An open review of career and income-producing college degrees that will enhance your skills and abilities to fulfill the management needs of the next generation, and beyond. A review of skills and capabilities you need to better satisfy the needs of the business world of the future. This is a chance to hear how our degrees and certificate programs will better prepare you to be ready for the next wave of business management. Enjoy hearing how our certificate programs can lead to degrees for your professional growth.

  • Focus on career growth and increase incomes
  • Explain new program offerings at LIGS University
  • Show how our programs will prepare business professionals for tomorrow’s business challenges.
  • Special offer to pre-enroll and talk individually to our team

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