Free Public Interactive Webinar Invitation | Corporate Citizen

12. 5. 2022

The essence of corporate citizenship is pivotal in relation to business sustainability, with a focus on governance and ethical conduct. As a result, stakeholders' value is achievable, which benefits people, the environment, and profit. The objectives of this delivery are to develop a sense of citizenship in planning, organizing, and executing corporate strategies. In addition, practice accountability in decision-making and potential risk.


Important Information:

Topic: Corporate Citizen
Date and time: Thu, 15 Dec 2022, 11:00 AM UTC
Entry: FREE (register below)


Here's what you can expect from the discussion with Catherine Muthu:
  • The Concept of Corporate Citizenship
  • The Elements of Corporate Citizenship
  • Corporate Citizenship Models 
  • Corporate Citizenship Conceptual Framework
  • The Relationship between Corporate Citizenship and  Environmental Focused Business Sustainability
  • The Consequences of Lack Corporate Citizenship Practice 
  • Case Study of Corporate Citizenship 



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