Free Public Interactive Webinar Invitation | Writing dissertations and other academic papers without tears with Dr. Kamila Tislerova

How to grasp academic writing as a challenge? It’s not a nightmare! In fact, it’s a great opportunity to develop personally, expand your horizons, bring something new to the world, be useful in the business world, etc. Let’s look forward to the next opportunity to write an academic paper. 

Important information:

Topic: Writing dissertations and other academic papers without tears

Date and time: Tue, 3rd of Jan, 2023 at 4:00 PM UTC

Entry: FREE (register below)

Here is what you can expect from the discussion with Kamila Tislerova:

  • What is the purpose\goal of an academic paper?
  • What is the content, research, findings and recommendations?
  • How to organize this “project”?
  • Self-coaching and best practices

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