How to Handle A Layoff

If you’ve been a part of an employment layoff, you might wonder how this kind of termination may impact your chances as a candidate in the job market. This publication will cover key points that job seekers, who have gone through this type of event, have to consider.

Take Advantage of Down Time

While some people might feel the desire to jump right back into the job search to find new employment, it is common for those affected by a layoff to take advantage of the time away from a work environment. Even if for a few days, being able to take time to focus on his or her personal interests, including mental and emotional well-being, can offer a calming respite. A job ending for whatever reason can have an emotional impact on a person; after all, it is a place where many of us spend the majority of our time as working professionals. As a layoff might suggest sudden or the unexpected end of work, feelings, and emotions can range from shock or anger, as well as to despair and sadness. Being able to take time away from the workplace, as well as the outcome of a layoff will promote the opportunity to clear the mind, even if temporarily, from any stress and anxiety. Hobbies, interests, and spending time with friends and family offer helpful support to keep your mind focused on the positive and, perhaps, to assist in alleviating any anxiety or negative feelings.

Prepare for Your Next Move

After you take a break, it’s helpful to develop a plan for your search. While it’s easy to jump online and start applying to jobs immediately, it’s recommended that those affected by a layoff focus on other key areas that will aid in efforts, including:

  • Getting in touch with former supervisors and colleagues who might serve as references and mentors to you. One of the things people forget to do after a layoff is to stay in touch with colleagues who could serve as strong advocates of you. Make the time to reach out to managers who supervised your work, as well as teammates that know the quality of your work, character, and work ethic. Ask them if they would be willing to be a reference for you, or to assist you with introductions to people or businesses that might be helpful in your pursuit of new opportunities.
  • Understand the type of layoff that applies to your situation, as it may impact the message you share as your job search begins. Knowing whether you are eligible for re-employment at the company that laid you off is important. The reason for such termination may have an impact on how others perceive you as a prospective job seeker. Be honest with your experiences, and always focus on the lessons learned from the situation. In cases where you might have been laid off due to a violation of company policies or poor job performance, make sure you have strong references to advocate for your work quality and character, as well as examples of the things that you are doing to improve since the layoff.
  • Update your resume or CV, as well as your professional social media profiles, and be open to receiving feedback constructively. Ensure your documents are updated with accomplishments, achievements, and milestones from your last employment. Also, have others, such as a career service professional or a trusted colleague review your information. Be receptive to their suggestions for improvement.

Stay Active and Connected During Your Search

The search for new opportunities after a layoff may take time. It’s important to stay in contact with former co-workers, friends, and others as you seek employment. Staying involved with industry associations and groups, along with attending networking functions such as mixers and conferences help provide the platform to stay in touch with other professionals even if you might not have yet landed a job. Volunteering for organizations or events that are important to you also help bridge a connection to communities so that you can meet others and to continue building your network of contacts.

Author: Mary Despe


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