How to hire the right employee

7. 12. 2017

It is getting increasingly difficult to hire the right employee. Not that there are any skilled people, but booming economy leads to more open job positions, leaving job-seekers with a window of opportunity being wide open. So, what can you do when you want to hire the right person for the job?

How to hire the right employeeHire interns. Hiring interns is ideal if you have a position suitable for fresh graduates with no significant work experience. This way, you can observe their behavior, work culture, skills and improvement over the time of internship, and only then can you decide if you make them full-time employees.

Look inside your organization. When opening a job position, consider offering it to your current employees at first. This applies especially when a management position is open, as it suggests that you reward people who work for you. Besides, a longtime employee will have a better understanding of the company.

Involve your employees in the hiring process. Don’t rely solely on your own opinion. Instead, get an opinion from your employees who will work with the candidate should he be hired. You can either invite them for the actual interview, or introduce them to the candidate and let them engage in a friendly chat. Ask for their opinion later.

Get out of the office. Here’s an idea! Invite candidates for lunch or a cup of coffee and observe how they behave in a situation they didn’t predict. Are they polite to a waitress who is serving them food? Can they keep conversation flowing with polite questions? These tiny details will tell you more about their persona than any resumé.

Ask unusual questions. Interviews can be rehearsed quite easily as managers tend to ask the same questions all over again. Carefully practiced answers will give you no clue on what the person is really like. So, in addition to the standard questions, ask them some unusual as well. For example, what kind of animal would you be, and why? What is the biggest misperception your friends have about you?

Hiring new employees is a lengthy and somewhat difficult process, but hopefully, we just made things a bit easier for you now. Remember, take your time choosing the right person for the job and trust your instinct!

How to Hire the Right Person.
4 Secrets To Hiring The Right People.

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