How to Keep a Positive Online Reputation

9. 13. 2017

For a modern company, it is absolutely necessary to develop presence in the digital world. If you think investing your time and money into social networks and websites is not worth it, then you are about to be very disappointed. 

How to Keep a Positive Online ReputationPotential customers, who have never heard about you or your product, like to do their research online before they buy anything. What they see and read will have a huge influence on their decision to stick with you or move on. This point is valid even in case there is nothing to see or read about you online. Lack of online reputation is not a good thing.

If you decide to leave your mark in the world of Internet, you should first think about the ways you would like to present yourself there. It takes time and a lot of effort to create a good reputation but the result is worth it. Check out our following tips on how to do it!

Look what’s out there

First of all, have a look what is already said about you. Search for your name or company’s name and go through the results on the first few pages. If you find any negative comments or feedback, respond to them as best as you can. Any unflattering photos from the past should be deleted.

Contribute to dedicated platforms

Is there any platform such as a website or a forum which is dedicated to your business field? If so, consider becoming an active member of said platform. Being seen and heard and having something worth saying will only increase your reputation and may bring lots of new contacts.

Start a blog

Apart from thorough and well-structured information about yourself and your company, your website should also include a blog with regular and up-to-date posts. There are various topics to choose from, be it „How to…“ articles but also commentaries about latest developments in the field. With an interesting blog to read, you are one step closer to becoming an influencer.

Keep your cool

Unsatisfied customers sometimes write a negative feedback or a rude comment. Don’t even consider deleting the content or ignoring it, it will look like you don’t value customers. Instead, respond calmly and politely and apologize for any inconvenience. Don’t ever insult your customers, even if they complain about something you didn’t do.

Quantity is not quality

There are so many different platforms these days and it’s impossible to be present on all of them. Don’t even try that! Choose the ones where your target audience is and focus your money and energy on creating an effective strategy.

These are but a few recommendations worth trying, which will help you build a strong and positive online reputation. However, your reputation will not be built over night. It’s a slow process which will take years of dedication and one mistake can ruin it all. Think of United Airlines as an example of how a few videos of a passenger being dragged off plane can shake the internet and cause damage beyond repair to a company’s image.

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