How to manage to work effectively from home | home office tips

4. 18. 2021

LIGS University brings you several tips on how to work effectively from your home. Although it can sometimes feel like a battlefield, it is possible. If you're one of those people, who have issues focusing on work at home and instead procrastinate, this is for you. Keep on reading.

It has been over a year now since the pandemic started. Most companies had to send their employees to work from home. What used to be a benefit for many potential job applicants is now a new normal for everyone. This year hasn't been easy, and we are sure many of you can't wait to be back at your quiet offices. But with closed schools and nurseries, it might not happen for a while. 

Before everything goes back to normal, we will look at how to survive the rest of the worldwide quarantine and not lose contact with the outside world. 

Home office


The internet is full of general suggestions about how to cope. One of these is to create a daily routine at home. To better focus on all your tasks that are not only concerning work but also family and spouse life. LIGS encourages its employees and provides them with the necessary support to take care of their families and children with flexible working hours. With the schools and nurseries closed, they as parents have to attend to their children's needs, and we get that. We've seen it on social media. Even the best professionals around the world have families and children of their own. Have you experienced a kid jumping in the middle of an important video conference? Yep, that can happen to any of us.  

Let us take a look at some tips we use for our work at home.  

  1. Every night, before you go to sleep, we make a checklist for the upcoming day. 

  2. After we get up in the morning, we check our To-Do list and assign priorities and timetables to each task. Feel free to write down even the elementary thing you're doing, like "having a coffee" or "having a lunch." When you finish, cross it over and move on to the next one. Great help is a method To-Do Today that you can read more of on End of Procrastination

  3. Create a routine. Establish three things you will do every day. Whether it is making a bed in the morning, put on make-up before you start your zoom meeting, or clear out a daily time for your meals. 

  4. Do a stretch every morning or go for a short run. It will help you to start your day, keeps your mind clean, and your body relaxed. 

  5. Download a mobile app that will help with tracking your well-being. The app will notify you to write down one thing you are grateful for or what you achieved that day. Your days won't feel the same. And you find at least a tiny action that made your day. If you prefer actual writing instead of an app, we recommend a Five-minute journal - a great brand is an Intelligent Change

  6. Try to get up from your computer from time to time. Stretch or walk around your apartment or your apartment building. Thanks to the fresh air, you might solve a problem you've been sitting on for the past hour. A short walk can give you a new perspective that you may need.

  7. Create your homework space. Place you will design for your work only, place where you feel good. In an ideal world, no kids will be jumping over your head in there. 

  8. If it's possible, try to have your workstation clean. It's no news that mess can be distracting for many people, especially at home. 

  9. Take turns doing household chores with your spouse. You are both in the same boat. If you order food, don't feel guilty about it. It will save you an amount of time, energy, and maybe some nerves. 

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