Interview with scholarship holder Philip Kisham Kitasho

We at LIGS University believe that education is one of the greatest gifts anyone can get and we are dedicated to support those students who cannot afford to finance studies on their own. Therefore, we decided to offer a unique opportunity for one student from a developing country who would receive a fully-funded Interactive Online MBA scholarship! The winner of this scholarship is Mr Philip Kisham Kitasho from Tanzania. 

Philip, you’re half a year into your studies. How is it going?

My university experiences thus far have been amazing. I have learned and experienced so many new things in such a short period of time, and it has gone by so fast and enjoyable. I am still discovering all the opportunities that university offers me. LIGS University is a very welcoming place to study where anyone can rely and lean on to learn.

My classes are great and I enjoy every one of them, especially project management. The depth and detail of what we are learning is far beyond my expectation. It is just amazing the level of knowledge enrichment I have gained for the short time and the level of a huge impact it heard in my duties. It has made me realize how every action is related to real world practices. That is probably the best part of university. It introduces so many new concepts that change our view of the world. The course load is intense, so time management is key.

It’s easy to assume that online education is best for those who learn best visually. Really, I found the courses to be quite customizable. If you learn best by reading, looking at charts, and writing, like myself, you’ll be in the majority. If you prefer to listen to lectures or get really hands-on, you’ll find that the professors work to create substitutes to accommodate your learning style. There’s often videos to watch, recorded webinars or notes to listen to, and alternative ways to complete assignments.

Can you tell us what courses you’ve already taken? Did you enjoy them?

I have taken Communication, Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Project Management and Strategic Management, where I completed the tests and the seminar paper assignments. The remaining courses I am partially on the way and hopefully I will also strive towards completing all the courses.

The courses are well structured and very relevant to my job, so I enjoyed a lot the courses. It helped me to accomplish the goal and objectives of the organization innately. The courses have prepared me specifically with the following skills Ideal planning, Leadership, Client and Marketing, Process Management, Communication skills and Information Research.

How did you like working with your tutors?

LIGS tutors are very supportive and guide me whenever I stuck, they responded instantly with student concern so personally I rate the tutors very highly.

What do you think about the exams and essays? Have you already applied any gained knowledge into your practice?

The exams and essay are very challenging and students have to put a lot of effort to gain high score, otherwise most of the topics relate to day to day work so you can easily approach an assignment with ease. All the courses that I have studied are directly applicable to my field work and management work.

What course you think will be most beneficial to your career?

The way all courses are structured is very essential in my career but project management and process management had an immediate impact and were beneficial as I have directly applied what learned from the university.

Is there anything you’d like to recommend to your fellow students?

The online learning process is normally accelerated and requires commitment on the student’s part. Staying up with the virtual class and completing all work on time is vital. Basically, the student needs to put effort and a lot of research and attend assignments. The instructor may have to contact students personally to offer assistance and remind the student of the need to keep up.

Distance and online learning is fast track trend of today’s busy world. While many of us are engaged in jobs which we are not satisfied with, online training courses offer us smarter avenues for smarter switches. They are time saving, fun and cost-effective. For this reason, LIGS University has come up with its customised online training program for anyone and everyone around the globe. From those who have a jest for learning to those who want to upgrade their educational qualification, LIGS University has introduced an array of options for the learner.

At LIGS the program contents are available 24/7 through the most innovative and interactive learning management system and e-learning library that LIGS provide for its students, all this at any time and from anywhere in the world. This online learning from LIGS makes a significant impact in higher education today and, as technology evolves, promise to deliver even greater benefits in future. Make a step to impact your future by joining “ Education without walls“ offered by LIGS University.

I want to study!


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