LIGS University Scholarship Winner Announced!

We at LIGS University believe that education is one of the greatest gifts anyone can get and we are dedicated to support those students who cannot afford to finance studies on their own. Therefore, we decided to offer a unique opportunity for one student from a developing country who would receive a fully-funded Interactive Online MBA scholarship!

Philip Kisham KitashoWe would like to thank each and everybody who took the time to apply for this scholarship. We were amazed and grateful by the overwhelming response that we received! 

Nevertheless, only one applicant could be selected, so we went through the many high-quality submissions and finally selected the winner. It is our great pleasure to introduce you Mr Philip Kisham Kitasho from Tanzania who receives our fully-funded Online MBA scholarship. 

We would like to congratulate Philip on his achievement and once again thank everyone involved in the competition!

Now, let us present you a short interview conducted with Philip about his background and his intention to study at LIGS University.

Philip, could you please tell us the reason why you applied for a scholarship at LIGS University?

The value of education is something that I have understood since I was at very young age while I was looking after livestock. Neither of my parents had an opportunity to attend school, and faced many struggles in their personal and family lives because of this. They made a commitment early in my life to do everything within their power to impart in me that opportunity of learning. I now have an opportunity to become the first person in my village and ward to attain a graduate degree, though I’m in need of financial assistance to realize what has been a longterm goal for me and a dream for my community.

This scholarship represents to me an opportunity to fully focus my attention on the main objective of achieving the best I can in the Master of Business Administration program. I will strive to be a representative and ambassador of LIGS University throughout my future career and am very thankful to be able to attend this course. Being awarded the chance to study further in my field at LIGS University is an incredible opportunity for me and one I intend to seize wholeheartedly without reservation.

I strongly feel that Master in Business Administration at LIGS University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice. The program has a wide range of choice for student to take path in, looking it in details it would give me bounteous of opportunities to apply my knowledge to real world problems. 

Why did you choose Business Administration as your field of study?

Business administration, as a field, had always fascinated me right from my undergraduate school days. I believe my desire for this field stems from the fact that business is the blood stream in today’s world. While I understood business principles innately, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand business in the working areas and relating it to day to day life. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career where I made up my mind to pursue a career in business and hence decided to do a Master program in Business Administration.

In Tanzania with the commencement policy of industrialization and stabilization of our economy, the Tanzanian corporations and institutions are exposed to various kinds of business risks. This has suddenly increased the demand for professionals who can not only understand but also develop new financial instruments and business tools to evaluate and move to the right direction. I believe that in order to use business and management skills and knowledge pro-actively and dynamically for optimum gain a business professional should be well versed with the managerial and business capacities.

Master of Business Administration from LIGS University will give me a sound and firm grounding in business administration, but also impart me the invaluable skills to manage, lead and collaborate effectively with people. It will also develop in me the ability to analyze problems from a business perspective keeping in mind the constraints and limitations of the real world.

Could you please provide some insight on education in Tanzania?

If there is a single consensus emerging in Maasailand today, it is that the surest way to end social, economic and political marginalization is by creating and implementing culturally competent change and enhancing educational opportunities. The cost of schooling continues to be a factor that inhibits the success of Maasai schoolchildren to continue with further studies due to the climate change impact to our livestock which is our economic backbone.

This becomes an increasingly large economic burden as our communities are now mitigating drought impact in order to earn their living so other important components like education is at the basket of waiting. It’s an extraordinarily difficult road for anyone to successfully travel. Education all over Maasailand has the power to change everything as it enables the community to be active and equal players in every aspect of life, and enforce positive changes immediately and dramatically.


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