
7.7. 2024

Ph.D. vs. DBA – What degree is right for you?

Are you interested in getting the highest degree possible, but not sure which one would suit you best? Don’t worry, we are here to help you decide.  How do the prestigious DBA and Ph.D. degrees differ? From theory to practice, from academia to business – choose the right path to achieve your career goals. Both of...

7.7. 2024

United Kingdom | The Land of Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth

The United Kingdom, a diverse and historically rich nation, captivates with its stunning landscapes, iconic landmarks, and vibrant cultural scene. From the bustling streets of London to the mystical beauty of the Scottish Highlands, the UK offers a tapestry of experiences. The land of the greatest writers in history starting with William Shakespeare, through Jane Austin to...

7.7. 2024

LIGS community | Nnenna Uboma publishes her second book – Lessons to my younger self

We love to share our community’s achievements! And this one deserves all the bang! Our student Nenna Uboma wrote her second book, and we are proud to feature it on our blog! Congratulations and let’s see what’s the book about!  About the book Lessons To My Younger Self is a reservoir of practical knowledge, saturated with...

7.7. 2024

Change Management

Change management refers to initiatives aimed at introducing and accepting change within an organization (department, work team, company, etc.). In most cases, it takes the form of a new work structure or new tools (machines, software, etc.). Change management involves considering the human dimension, values, corporate culture, and resistance to change. The objective is to enable...

7.7. 2024

Virtual Open House at 7:00 PM UTC | Experience the Future of Education

At LIGS University, we believe in pushing the boundaries of education. Join us at our Virtual Open House and embark on an exciting journey of exploration and growth. Learn how our Bachelor and master programs can support you on your way to more income and higher management positions. Discover a wide range of dynamic programs to equip...

7.7. 2024

Virtual Open House at 10:00 AM UTC | Experience the Future of Education

At LIGS University, we believe in pushing the boundaries of education. Join us at our Virtual Open House and embark on an exciting journey of exploration and growth. Learn how our Bachelor and master programs can support you on your way to more income and higher management positions. Discover a wide range of dynamic programs to equip...

7.7. 2024

The Internationalization of Higher Education in Canada: International Students as a Source of Skilled Labour Supply

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada recently implemented an entry system based on obtaining a student visa. In search of a better life and promised permanent residency (PR) after graduation, the number of international students using this pathway has increased dramatically. Their participation in the Canadian labour force (while studying) is pivotal to this system. This paper uses...

7.7. 2024

An Assessment of the Impact of Supervision on Employee Sales Target Achievement

Employees are important organizational resources as they play a key role in the survival of any firm in the current competitive business space. An organization is comprised of three key components which include finance, machine, and people which are needed for full operation. The people refer to the employees that are expected to manage other resources...

7.7. 2024

Join Us for the LIGS University Virtual Open House (07/19/23)

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Don’t miss out on the exciting new programs being offered at LIGS University. Join us for our Virtual Open House on July 19 at noon UTC and discover how these programs can pave the way to success for you. Why Attend?   Cutting-Edge Programs Our brand-new programs have been...

7.7. 2024

Join Us for the LIGS University Virtual Open House (07/20/23)

7. 2. 2023 Webinars Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Don’t miss out on the exciting new programs being offered at LIGS University. Join us for our Virtual Open House on July 20th at 8 pm EDT and discover how these programs can pave the way to success for you. Why Attend?  ...

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