Re-Shaping Educational Universities with Online Methods of Teaching Using LMS

With the present uncertainties of the Covid-19 virus, almost all educational institutions and universities are forced to go online virtually and there are challenges faced by management, Faculties, and Students. In order to improve and re-shape the Educational Systemwiththese challenges, we depend on digital learning and technology like the LMS [“Learning Management System“], which helps to organize everything in a single spot. This can be customized according to the topics needed as per the Institution’s needs, like e-learning, webinars, messages, tutorials, podcasts, videos, etc. And its aim is to improve and make an empowering situation for quality education and training. It advances the digital transformation and helps to create, integrate course materials, and articulate learning goals.

The LMS helps align content, assessments according to the needs of the educational universities, and personalized social learning. This helps secure important data, like videos, prepared podcasts, and any type of study materials in a nutshell or specific way for future lectures. This data can be referred to for later use, as and when needed by students and faculty requirements.

The Goal of the Educational System is to find how these challenges can be met using the latest technologies torn-shape educational institutions and universities. The Learning Management System helps organize remote and functional learning. It is a user-friendly solution and is a software application that offers an e-learning experience from administration to delivering training programs, documentation, tracking, and reporting, for educational courses. Anytime, anywhere learning at your own convenience, offline and virtual classrooms. This helps teachers and students globally with interaction programs like video conferencing.

LIGS is a modern university that combines practical methods and innovative approaches to the American and European systems of education. LIGS University has a long tradition of providing Interactive Online education globally. This Online University has been using an LMS, Learning Management System which is user-friendly.LIGS is a highly professional interactive online university which provides its students with all the requirements for a student to be successful. The flexibility at LIGS and studying independently have helped me as a student to balance my profession and studies simultaneously.

The mission of LIGS University is to provide high-quality, affordable, and progressive education using innovative delivery technologies for diverse students all over the world.

The vision of LIGS University is a high-quality innovative educational institute that provides services that significantly surpass the expectations of students, lecturers, and other stakeholders. 

According to the best learning management systems, the author,“ Matt Mansfield“ (dated 12th September 2019) from “Pagely“ says, “higher education has seen an explosion in technical innovations and solutions in recent years.

Technology does impact online teaching. There are various methods of planning and teaching which can be adapted for online teaching and learning. As online education demands more freedom of expression and independence, students must be able to learn and understand at least some of the material for online learning like blended, flex, flipped, hybrid and how the Learning Management System works so they can continue on their projects or module when professors are unavailable. 

Students have to develop a different healthy attitude of being self-reliant, and responsible as their style of working automatically will change, maybe more flexible and not timebound, but studying and completing the given module on time.

Likewise, Professors need to understand the reality of online teaching from students’ perspectives as well, besides being professional and adopting a technology-first approach to instructional planning for online teaching. Professors should have an idea of the outcome of learners, thus they prioritize learning objectives, before using technology, as they would choose the tools that provide the best opportunities to learn according to the specified subject, practice, and socialize with the least amount of technical overhead. Based on this, Professors can identify what they need to teach, and basically through what methods of learning online, using the right digital technologies available to them, like digital transformation, design thinking for innovation, etc, in order to achieve their result and best deliverables from online learning.

There are several digital classroom software available today that give opportunities for enhancing students’ voices, and student creativity, as well as expanding how and where students learn with the technology available in today’s world. And with the latest and best technologies for online learning platforms of 2020. The LMS, “Learning Management System“ and VLE, “Virtual Learning Environment“ for education, according to,“ Michael P. Toothman,“(14th June 2020) “What does Virtual Learning Mean For the Future.“ Can be of a great deal to learning for future and online teaching.

Reshaping the online learning educational system for universities.

The Indian government for the first time is allowing universities to offer fully online degrees, a change that could reshape education in the country, and permitting the US-based online education to tie up with India, is a good step ahead for the future. As previously, Indian universities were not permitted to offer more than 20 percent of a degree online, based on concerns about quality and limited mechanisms for oversight and regulation. For the US-based online education platforms, the news is a welcome shift. Open online education platforms like“Coursera“ and“edX“both say that they hope to increase their existing presence in India and partner more deeply with educational institutions which would also help in growth and exposure for universities. 


The future of higher education for a fact will change tremendously and is changing right now with the current trends and professional education will change forever, especially at the university level. As many educational institutions are running a hybrid teaching model, and many universities are moving entirely online. a new Eramean-for-the-future-of-higher-education/#4d1aa63b43fa

The most important aspect is keeping students engaged. An instructor must be visible, active, and exhibit care, empathy, and trust for students. This helps in re-shaping the educational system, besides the LMS, the Learning Management System, and the Virtual Learning environment. This will also help in global outreach, as students can come together for video conferencing and will balance the competing demands of newly remote positions, universities, and self-care. And this will surely help to re-shape the new era of virtual education and will create a learning environment that adds real value to the lives of students and instructors globally.

For example, in teaching courses on Design Project Management at the university level, one can build video resources on the aspects that might interest students most, such as future design technologies, soft skills, or critical and design thinking.

To get a positive outcome educational universities need to recognize the necessity to re-shape modes of teaching and learning for online teaching and immediately respond to the challenges being raised, in this situation, so as to continue to provide meaningful and assessable learning opportunities. This will help to re-shape the educational system for a better tomorrow in the educational world. 


1.“ Mansfield Matt“ dated the 12th September 2019, from “Pagely“

2. Toothman Michael,“ dated 14th June 2020, “What does Virtual Learning

Author: Rebecca Dsouza, a student at LIGS University, under the supervision of Zdeno Matta


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