Success Stories: Bohumil Stibal

Owner and CEO, SOME CZ

Please, tell us something about you. What post do you recently hold?

I hold a post of an executive director. 

What company do you work for?

For the company SOME CZ, Ltd with its several centres. Centre Minipivovar Všerad with annual beer production of 480 hl. Centre Zámocký dvor with a restaurant, accommodation facilities, miniature golf course, M. D. Rettig Gallery and Museum, multi-purpose course, massages and constantly growing number of services.

Centre of Packaging and Logistic Services responsible for completion, packaging and storage of goods. Centre of Property Management responsible for 24/7 services and complex services in facility management for several production plants. Centre for Electrical Installations and Locksmith responsible for delivery of complex services in HV/LT devices and piece locksmith production.

How long have you been working for the company?

Since its establishment in 2006.

Can you briefly describe your professional career path?

After my apprenticeship in 1981 I worked as an operation electrician in Kovohutě Příbram; in 1985 I moved to a company EZ Praha, where I held posts of an electrician, fellow worker of a chief mechanic up to the post of a Head of the centre till 1992. Since then I have been doing my private business in electro-assembly locksmith services and gradually took on other activities.

Bohumil Stibal, Owner and CEO, SOME CZ

What were the most interesting posts in your career?

Every post was interesting in some way. In terms of electro-assembly, I guess it was a post of a chief mechanic. In terms of Civil Service, it was a post of a mayor of the municipality Všeradice. Recently, it is, probably, my free right and obligation to enhance and raise Castle Courtyard Všeradice.

What is your greatest achievement in your career?

Start-up of new projects, modernization of old traditions , as well as the broadest implementation of an investment action in the municipal Všeradice (a water supply and a sewage system). Purchase of the Všeradice Castle and its gradual renovation.

What project/important task are you facing now?

A complete reconstruction of the Castle Courtyard Všeradice to become absolutely self-dependent and functional.

Another objective is a proposal to my candidature for the Senate, I was approach by and decided to use it. If being elected again, I would help the public and gain from my experience with the communal politics as a major of the municipal.

What do education and personal development mean to you? Why is further education so important to you?

I really appreciate life experience and following proper education. It will learn a man how to avoid any mistakes and bring a new approach to his work. If a man wants to improve, all the foregoing is necessary. If a man doesn’t respect it and won’t be able to acquire new experience and knowledge, he will, naturally, come to a deadlock. I recognized an absolute truthfulness of Solon’s quote: ‘Seek to learn constantly while you live; do not wait in the faith that old age by itself will bring wisdom.

„Studies gave me great experience, knowledge and , above all, I could also gain from experience of people from other professional fields.“

Why did you decide to further study? And why exactly at the LIGS University?

I explained my reason to study in my previous answer. And why exactly at the LIGS University? Since I could gain and use my experience in balance with appropriate knowledge in my work. We were given specific tasks to give a clear and specific resolution. In short, we didn’t occupy ourselves with any alternatives/hypotheses. Every task brought a practical solution to our practice. I’ve learnt to apply my theoretical knowledge in specific tasks/situations.

How do you find studies at the LIGS? How didi it enrich you?

I was absolutely pleased, great team of classmates and lecturers. Our studies were tough but practical, thus our lecturers were always ready and able to discuss our tasks with us and always give us a right advice. Studies gave me great experience, knowledge and , above all, I could also gain from the experience of people from other professional fields.

What subject do you find the most contributive and interesting one? Simply put, what did you enjoy the most?

I cannot name just one/two subjects. I could honestly say that after my graduation I had realized all the subjects were so useful. So I find everything really helpful for me. What I enjoyed the most, were meetings with my colleagues in tutorials.

 What knowledge you’ve acquired during your studies were the most practical?

I have already answered it in Your previous question. But I must say that thanks to my enjoyed studies I have completed in my old age, I have again learnt to learn and use it up to the present.

And what was the toughest subject for you?

To make me to learn and to find time for it. Time management. Although already graduated, I also struggle with it up to the present.

What is your motto?

‘A day without a work is a day without food.’

What is the aim in your life?

To have happy and healthy family and friends, a functional company with satisfied employees and, last but not least, to have happy customers. And, the main thing is, to have a fulfilling life and leave a trace my children/further descendants wouldn’t have to be ashamed of.


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