We are a family, we are LIGS!

Christmas is a special time of family, friends, and gratitude, and we want to thank you all for being a part of our family! We are LIGS!

As a demonstration of gratitude to our President, Pavel Makovsky, who breathed life into this university, we created a video with the collaboration of our staff, lecturers, students, and other loved ones. Over-joyed and touched, he decided to share the video with all of you!

Přehráním videa souhlasíte se zásadami ochrany osobních údajů YouTube.

Zjistit vícePovolit video

“Dear friends and family, 
Thank you very much for the beautiful video – I am LIGS. I was delighted and pleasantly surprised. I sincerely appreciate it.” – Pavel Makovsky

Happy holidays and much success in the coming year!

LIGS University team


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