Carlos Largacha-Martínez


Dr. Largacha-Martinez is currently the Leader for Colombia of the think tank Humanistic Management Center, based in Switzerland. Likewise, he is the CEO and founding partner of Maria Panela MUSIC, a B-certified company. Graduated from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Fellow of the Postgraduate School of the University of Miami.

He has a Ph.D. from the University of Miami in International Studies and Quantum Sociology. Industrial Engineer from the Universidad de los Andes. Professor and researcher in leadership, humanistic management, innovation in management and organizational learning at the University of the Andes, University of Miami and the EAN University. Nominated for Best University Professor by Portfolio in 2012. His talk in TED on management and imagination already has more than 16,000 visits.

Carlos is a consultant, entrepreneur and managerial researcher with extensive experience in leadership and organizational behavior analysis. Developed innovative tools to improve leadership and commitment in organizations, as well as to generate processes of organizational transformation. It has enough cases of documented successes, studied or that have participated in them to offer companies the tools and procedures necessary to innovate in their management, generate inspiring leadership and enhance the commitment of employees. All this leads to better performance indicators in companies, low turnover and abstention rates, high levels of participation, leading to greater corporate competitiveness.

Writer and researcher of the best cases of state of the art in management, which he has published through the Humanistic Management Network, within the Palgrave-Macmillan series for these topics. He has consulted companies such as: Colpatria, Energetics (Wood group), Mansarovar, Petrocolombia, Universidad de los Andes, National Cattle Fund, as well as NGOs: World Vision International and the Foundation for the Assistance of Abandoned Children-FANA.

Before he was the Vice-President for Research at the Universidad EAN in Colombia, and the Knowledge Management and Strategic Thinking Leader for World Vision International in Colombia.

Within one of his consultancies to the Scottish firm Wood group, its Colombian firm, Energéticos, with Peter King and Juanita Cardozo, they received from the MIX-Prize in Leadership Innovation Challenge, awarded by London Business School, McKinsey and Harvard Business Review. Gary Hamel himself gave in New York 2014 the award to Carlos.

As a lecturer, Carlos wants to empower students to reach their full potential. He wants to have a very humane dialogue with them, so all ideas are welcome and accepted. The most innovative ideas come from this type of communication. He loves to teach and to support others to have a flourishing live.

Motto: "When authenticity flourish, inspiration will follow through."