Credit Transfer

LIGS University welcomes students

from other schools

Have you already put a lot of hard work into your studies? Are you looking for a way to finish your degree?

What we recognize

Credits earned:

  • for university courses
  • other educational activities from accredited or authorized higher education institutions or providers

Credit transfer process

Submit a REQUEST FOR CREDIT TRANSFER along with the official documents required for your studies.

The process is carried out on an individual basis at the discretion of LIGS University. The documents will be reviewed by our experts and ultimately approved by the vice president of LIGS University.

Full extent of LIGS University Credit Transfer Policy

Transfer of credits and general criteria for recognition of prior studies


 Credit Recognition and Transfer

  • LIGS recognizes credits from previous studies at institutions of higher education throughout the world, provided such institutions are fully accredited and their professional orientation and academic level correspond to the program offered at LIGS.
  • Credit is recognized, based on sufficiently corresponding learning outcomes, in the form of a credit transfer and/or exemptions from specific courses of the LIGS Study Program. 
  • LIGS may only transfer credits obtained during previous studies that have not led to the obtaining of an official qualification with an exception of transferability of community and junior college credits (leading to Associate Degree) towards (planned) BBA program.
  • In order to obtain credit recognition, the student has to provide LIGS with an official transcript and course descriptions in English, or in a certified English translation, along with acceptable evidence of course content. Requests for credit recognition must be made prior commencement of studies at LIGS. To be accepted for a transfer, courses must have been completed with grades of C and better (or the equivalent).
  • Credit recognition is authorized by the Vice President who may consult the respective faculty course supervisors. LIGS only transfers credits; grades earned during prior studies do not affect a student’s GPA at LIGS.

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