
11.7. 2024

Exploring community-based resilience systems for women living in poverty: Pointers for humanitarian programming in DRC

This paper is aimed at drawing attention and further understanding of humanitarian actors on community ideas and systems that enhance or hinder resilience of women in the DRC context. It analyses the link between community-based systems and women resilience by providing a conceptual and practical definition of community-based resilience systems and how the systems contribute to...

11.7. 2024

Back at school in your Thirties | Why you do it right this time

Don’t be afraid of change. Have you decided to go back to school in your 30s? Great! LIGS suggests why this is the best time to start, earn your college degree, and move forward in your career. They say it’s never too late to start with something new. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your...

11.7. 2024

The Need for Entrepreneurial Education in Secondary Schools in Malawi

One fundamental importance of secondary education to the economy is the demand for better educated and skilled youth entering the world of work to meet the complexities of a fast-evolving world. What skills and knowledge the secondary school graduates leave school with determines how successful they would be at the workplace. Countries assume that entrepreneurship is...

11.7. 2024

Assessing Secondary School Graduates Employability Skills in Malawi | Case Study of Graduates Living within Lilongwe City.

Malawi has experienced an increase in youth unemployment and poverty levels despite the introduction of community secondary education. Several studies attribute it to a myriad of factors ranging from socio-economic to a weak secondary curriculum. The curriculum encompasses theoretical academic knowledge compared to practical skills that can skill up the youth. The study aimed at investigating if...

11.7. 2024

An overview of chatbot technology in healthcare institutions

With exceptional growth in Artificial intelligence, chatbots have begun to rule various industries. One major contribution of a chatbot is in healthcare. Communication and organization became easier with the know-it-all chatbots. The key focus is that these chatbots are available whenever and wherever one requires them. The idea is quite simple, a system generating automated responses based...

11.7. 2024

LIGS University Talks | Dr. S Suresh Kumar | Digitalization and Data in our society

Digitalization and Data are currently surrounding our society. They are present everywhere we look.  As our University approaches this world of Digital Data and its upcoming online conference Digital Data-Driven Economy is coming up, we decided to talk to one of the best Data Scientists and innovators in this field. He was gracious enough to...

11.7. 2024

Dental tourism management in low price markets

Medical tourism is the way toward going to the countries abroad to get clinical or dental treatment. The primary reasons why patients are searching for treatment in other countries are: lower cost of medicines and services or patients are not happy with the clinical/dental treatment in their country. Concerns and risk factors for patients consolidate...

11.7. 2024

Local Culture Influence On Business Ethics

Business ethics – many of you already know this is a critical topic. It brings up many challenges in the working environment that you and your employees have to face daily. How can you use it as a tool to act responsibly in your organization or business? Let’s take a look at that.  There are many definitions of...

11.7. 2024

INTERVIEW | The Future of Economy is in Digitalization | Roman Lindauer

Roman Lindauer, Dipl. Mgmt. Currently working as Senior Risk Manager at SAP. Also a proud member of LIGS University faculty staff. During our interview, we discussed the digital phenomena in economics.  And how the current pandemic situation uncovers the whole preparedness of economics and its process of digitalization. How did you become fond of digitalization studies...

11.7. 2024

Price strategy challenges of Ethiopian coffee exporters

This paper accesses the Ethiopian coffee export trade policy’s challenges in the field of pricing strategy. The situation is analyzed and accessed with the help of a survey consisting of an interview, questionnaire survey and document analysis. The main problems of pricing strategy are analyzed and at the end, the recommendations are given. The paper is...

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