Echoes of the Digital Data-Driven Economy conference

The Digital Data-Driven Economy online conference took place at the end of June. It has left strong impressions not only among us but also among our students and other participants. Although the atmosphere was friendly, we managed to maintain the professional level of the large-format conference. Read the follow-up of the whole event and take a look at what happened this year.

The themes for this year were digitalization and data science, how they intertwine in fields such as economics, technology business, banking, and marketing. We welcomed a total of 11 speakers from 6 countries. The engaging atmosphere prevailed throughout the Digital Data-Driven Economy conference. That helped spark many interesting debates between speakers and attendees from the line of LIGS University students and the students of our partner educational institution Edu Effective

Digital Data-Driven Economy conference

There were a total of 30 attendees from 16 countries. We have welcomed real experts in the field of data science and the digital economy on our campus. There were lectures from Dr. S Suresh Kumar or DBA doctoral students at Edu Effective, Joy Weigand.

President and founder of LIGS University, Dr. Pavel Makovsky, said about the conference:

“I’m happy to share with you an experience that fills me with pride at LIGS University and its entire team. The Digital Data-Driven Economy conference took place on June 28th -29th, 2021. It was the third scientific conference that we organized under LIGS University. It was a great honor to meet all of you in the online space we created. The team of LIGS University spent many months preparing this event for not only our students but also everyone who wanted to join the panel discussion in Digital Business, Data Science, and new approaches in Economics and its digitalization. I’m proud of my team as they managed to create a platform for sharing knowledge and experience with professionals from the whole world.

Thank you all for your participation and feedback. I also want to thank the entire LIGS University team that participated in the preparations for the whole event. Also a big thank you goes to our conference committee. Last but not least, I would like to promise you that our university will continue its conference activities in the future.”

Participants rate the third year of the LIGS University academic conference as one of the best online events recently happening. From the organizational and user side, there is nothing to reproach. The facilitators were excellent and familiar with the presented issues. They always spoke aptly and concisely about the matter. So what else is to say about the conference? Read a few of the reviews from the attendees. 

The Digital Data-Driven Economy conference was backed by solid research studies and actual substantial discussion. Keep up the excellent work, and let me know about your upcoming events.

– Dr. Jason Lee Carter.

I would like to congratulate you and your team for successfully conducting the conference. As a presenter, I learned and am impressed with LIGS. Thanks for the wonderful and smooth hosting of the entire event.” 

– Deepak Kumar Dash, MBA, PMP, Co-Founder, Crisprsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

“Congratulations on the well-done conference. It was wonderful, and I learned a lot from it.”

– Tamburo Michael Renzi, Ph.D. Student at LIGS University.

“I would like to thank you for your efforts and congratulate you on a well-organized conference.” 

– Joy Weigand.

We are currently preparing the publication of not only electronic but also printed versions of the conference proceedings. Soon to be available for purchase. Therefore, if you are interested in the theme of the conference or the topics of individual papers, we believe that the proceedings will find their place in your library. Follow our blog for more information.

We believe that this conference was not our last, and we will organize similar events in the future.


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