Fake News | Echoes of the Conference

The Conference “Fake News and New Social Media” is over, and we couldn’t be more proud of everyone who attended and the outcome! There were so many great presentations. This year’s topic made you quite passionate, and we salute that!

We would love to thank everyone who attended, the presenters and attendees, and our organizers, who managed to make this event so special. LIGS community rocked once again! 



Let’s summarize the event once more! 

We had attendees from all over the globe, which is a massive success itself! We welcomed people from Asia, Europe, and North America. 

This was the first year we also added the on-demand option to attend the conference. This way we made it accessible to a bigger audience. It is massively important to us to make events like this available for anyone who wants to attend no matter the time zone. And we did!

The attendees mainly praised the organization in the technical domain, excellent access to the link, entry to the meeting, and of course the contents.

The facilitators of the event were well prepared and engaged the audience. Asking questions to presenters attendees may have been shy to ask. 


Which presentations resonated most with our audience? 

All our conference speakers were amazing. There were so many great presentations the audience responded most to these three.

  • Nnenna Uboma | Fake News and the New Social Media: The phenomenon from several viewpoints
  • Natalie Bourré | Healthcare Text Generated by Ai
  • Reuben Etuk | Exploring Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories In Nigeria


Here’s what our attendees said about the conference

Moderators were calm and supportive, coordinating responses from both parties. The chats well attended to.

Topics were straightforward well-articulated concepts.

Say the presenters and attendees. 

Did you miss the conference? Worry not, we will soon publish Academic Proceedings where you’ll be able to read about every topic from the conference. We will definitely keep doing these in the future and who knows, we might do one that takes place offline as well. 

Stay tuned because we are already working on the next event!


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