Free Public Interactive Webinar Invitation | Media and information literacy: How to develop critical thinking to read media

Critical thinking nowadays is the number one skill to possess. Dr. Pilar Forcén, a profound journalist and experienced media communicator, will give you an insight into critical thinking while reading media.

Dr. Pilar Forcén
Important information:

Topic: Media and information literacy: How to develop critical thinking to read media
Date and time: Thursday, 24th of November, 2022, at 4.30 PM UTC
Entry: FREE

About the webinar:

In today’s world, the quality of the information we receive influences our decisions, choices, and actions.

However, the proliferation of media and communication channels, mainly guided by technology, leads us to wonder whether citizens are prepared for the challenge of assessing the relevance and reliability of the information they receive every day.

In this vulnerable context, Media and Information Literacy (MIL) stands key. According to UNESCO, mils are the skills and competencies needed to research, examine, and analyze information coming from the media to build individual critical thinking and the ability to click and share information wisely.

Media and information literacy empowers people to think critically about information and digital tools and is a fundamental right in a digital world.

During the webinar we will review the following topics:
  • Media and Information Literacy (MIL) – Concepts and characteristics
  • Digital competencies and abilities
  • Information versus misinformation
  • Who should drive media literacy?
  • Develop critical thinking to read the media

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