Free Public Webinar Invitation | CFO 2.0.

It’s time to learn about modern-day financial planning. Join Roman Lindauer, Dipl. Mgmt. for his webinar CFO 2.0. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain free knowledge and to receive a certificate of attendance. The webinar is on ZOOM on September 19th at 4 P.M. UTC..

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Why Attend?

The role of Chief Financial Officer is evolving beyond traditional boundaries.Roman Lindauer, Dipl. Mgmt

In the rapidly changing landscape of the financial world, the role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is evolving beyond traditional boundaries. The upcoming webinar, “CFO 2.0”, aims to shed light on the modern characteristics that now define the persona, expertise, and expectations of today’s CFO. This webinar seeks to provide a comprehensive overview for professionals who aspire to keep pace with the dynamic trends and ensure they’re equipped with the knowledge required to excel in this contemporary financial ecosystem.

The webinar will delve into the basic parameters of modern financial management, highlighting the core differences between financial accountants and financial managers. A pivotal aspect to be addressed is the contrast between the traditional and modern viewpoint of a CFO.

The Shift from Traditional Roles to Strategic Leadership

Historically, a CFO’s role was predominantly associated with number crunching, financial reporting, and ensuring regulatory compliance. However, in today’s business environment, the role demands a more strategic approach. A CFO is not merely an executive overseeing the books; they are key strategic partners involved in shaping the financial vision and strategy of an organization.

Introduction to the Modern CFO Landscape

Moreover, the concept of shared responsibility will be brought to the fore. Modern CFOs no longer function in silos; they work collaboratively, sharing the responsibility for financial strategy with other top executives to ensure holistic business growth. Emphasizing the idea of “CFO as a partner”, the webinar underscores the significance of the CFO’s engagement in strategic decision-making processes, cross-functional collaborations, and long-term vision-setting. 

If you’re aiming to understand the transformation in the financial realm and the CFO’s role in it, this webinar promises to be an enlightening experience. Join us to gain insights and be part of the dialogue on the future of financial leadership.

About the Author:

Roman Lindauer has more than 30 years of experience working for international companies (British Airways, Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, Accenture, ABB). He started his career in 1991 in the field of financial management and since 2003 has been working in the area of risk management using internal controls according to the Sarbanes-Oxley methodology (SOX404).

He studied at the UK Open University Business School and completed a one-semester course at George Washington University. Currently, he is an external lecturer at the Faculty of Information and Statistics at the University of Economics in Prague and works as an internal controls specialist for SAP.  He has a broad range of management training and continues to follow new trends in compliance, internal audit and strategic corporate development.

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Don’t miss out on this transformative journey into the role of the Chief Financial Officer 2.0. Register now for our webinar on September 19th at 6 AM HTS(4 PM UTC)


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