Graduating from the Ph.D. program will give you a highly valued level of education. Transfer your years of experience to your studies and contribute to scientific knowledge.
The program benefits both science and your career.

Overview and benefits

Instructors will teach you to focus on your goals and unleash your potential.

Become an expert in the field

Gain critical insight into the specific issues you are facing

Strengthen professional skills that you can use to overcome and meet current and future professional challenges and goals.

Learn how to conduct your own research focusing on developing new theory

Gain researched-focused skills, thinking in-depth skills with abilities to see things from different angles and perspectives


$ 8,400


HR Management



Project Management

Payment plans and Scholarships

What will a Ph.D. bring to your life and career?

The Ph.D. represents the highest level of academic education that you will receive under the guidance of our experienced faculty. You will consult the most proven literature and contribute scientific knowledge with your academic work. Lecturers will help you to develop your core competencies and critical insight and help you grow professionally and personally. Concentrate your studies on the issues that concern you at the head of a company and put your newly acquired theoretical knowledge directly into practice.

After your studies you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate and apply principles of high performing organizations and global management.
  • Confidently and profeciently tackle today's biggest corporate challenges.
  • Analyze and determine various management resources for their advantages, limitations and application to challenges you face.

For whom is the program intended?

For those who want to stand out

Connecting your professional life with your studies will immediately move you forward in your career.

For those who want a boost

Study with us in a wide range of subjects. Accelerate your new or existing career. Jump out of your stagnation and increase your competitiveness in the job market.

For those who need freedom

Access to the online library, school system or webinars is a matter of a few clicks. You create your own schedule according to your availability. You can plan your exam dates and finals as you

For those who like to travel

Boundaries are not for us. We make learning possible for everyone. You can study with us wherever you are. Classes are completely online. You can contact us at any time.

For the winners

Increase your value in the marketplace and in life. We combine the best of academia and management practice

For leaders

Connecting your professional life with your studies will move you forward in your career immediately. You will be able to put the know-how you have acquired into practice.Propojení profesního života se studiem vás posune okamžitě dopředu v kariéře. Získané know-how budete schopni převést do praxe.

We are LIGS University

Our Alumni

Boubakar Thiombiano

Permanent secretariat for the Promotion of Microfinance. Ministry of Economy, Finance and Development of Burkina Faso
I recommend LIGS University because...

Hend Hassan

Head of Internal Audit, Misr for Clearing, Depository & Registry "MCDR"
I really feel proud as a DBA student at LIGS university, it's sure added value for me. Although the difference...

Andrew Sadlik

CEO of AndCorp2003
I heard of LIGS University from a friend of mine, who said he heard that the university has good standards...

Anthonia Ajalie

Project Manager, Products LTE & Wi-Fi
The program has helped me understand the business world and marketing as a whole. I enjoyed the course intercultural communication...

Roger McCoy

Direct Energy Franchise Business Consultant
I've only been a Ph.D. student since January 1 of this year. But I've already seen how valuable this program...

Peter Winkler

District Chief of Staff for the US House of Representatives

Reach out to us

Still have questions? Book an appointment to speak with one of our application specialists.