National Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week, or National Teacher Appreciation Week, is a week-long celebration in recognition of educators and the contributions they make to education and society. It is held in the first full week of May of every year and provides an opportunity for students and their institutions to show their appreciation for the hard work and the long hours many of them put in.

„Since it is an online interactive program, our physical contact with the University is mostly through webinars. I am glad that LIGS University engages tutors like Peter, who is very experienced in the field of Franchise and is a practitioner with a wealth of experience on the subject matter.“

At LIGS University, we value our multicultural and international lecturer body. We are very proud of their accomplishments and the work they do for us and our students.

Continuous improvement is not only the motto for the university, but for everyone involved. We have begun with our annual Lecturer of the Year survey. It serves as a way for the students to give back to their lecturers with feedback. The survey will consist of 2 rounds, with the first featuring all lecturers, while the second round will feature the lecturers based on the results of the first round.

„Ena was right on point and made her presentation very interactive. She made us take an active part in the discussions.“

The lecturer with the most votes will win the title of Lecturer of the Year, and will be announced, commended, and crowned at the graduation ceremony.

You can also get personally involved by sending gifts and thanking your respective teachers and professors.


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