Nigeria, The Land of Resilience and Diversity 

This year, the LIGS Team manifested “visiting the home countries of our students”, but of course, even if we would love to, we are not physically able to actually travel to all of them in one year – at least, not yet. So we found a good alternative to learn about their cultures, and that’d be done through.. what better than education.

We can read books, browse google or social media, but there is nothing more true or authentic than hearing it from our students and graduates. 

We are in love with the answers and pictures we received and we would love to share them with you in the form of an article. 

First, we went to discover beautiful, diverse, vibrant and strong Nigeria. These are some of the local secrets and perspectives of our students about their home.

Nigeria in words of locals waterfall

“Nigeria is a giant symbol, pacesetter, and leader for Africa development, advancement and influence. Nigeria is authentically in a world of its own; culturally, intellectually, and creatively. Nigeria is futuristically advancing and fast becoming an attraction of excellence.” – Daniels Aide-Okun

“Nigerians embody the essence of resilience like no other. Despite facing numerous obstacles, they refuse to be defeated and continue to push forward with determination and unwavering spirit, constantly striving for a better tomorrow. I am proud to be a Nigerian.” – Anthonia Okpaegbe

“There is now a multidimensional crisis occasioned by bad leadership and violence, leading pathological poverty and endless sectional agitations. Currently, general elections are anticipated this February 25, currency has been redesigned and made scarce as to curtail vote buying. Inflation is roof high, and Exchange rate is uncontrollable. Governance is as good as “absent”, and economic direction could well be described as “clueless”. Brain drain is a daily phenomenon. Local productive capacity is near zero. In all, my beloved country is a failed state. Sub! Sub!! Sub!!!” – Ogechi Ogbonna., PhD, FCIB

“Nigeria is blessed with energetic youth population that are doing amazing things everyday.” – Eguaikhide olorunfemi

“The Country is still fragmented. It looks like we have several countries in one country. We need a true leader that will unite the Country and get her out of tribalism, and nepotism. We need a Country where every citizen has equal opportunity to be everything God has created them to be.” – Anthony Ikemefuna

“There is a large percentage of poor people in the country and the gap between the rich and the poor has been increasingly widening lately.” – Kolawole Bello

“Nigeria is a republic with 3 tiers of government, Although there is a policy on autonomy of Local Governments, significant percentage of the Local Governance are not functional or effective, this is where where more than 70% of the population are domiciled.” – Suwaiba Muhammad Dankabo


zebraWhat do Nigerians see as positives of Nigeria?

“It’s pluralistic culture, religious beliefs, ingenuity, and ultimately its authenticity in entrepreneurial pursuits and advancements.” – Daniels Aide-Okun

“Nigeria is a remarkable country with a rich cultural heritage, a diverse landscape, and abundant natural resources. Its vibrant economy, along with the entrepreneurial spirit of its people, makes it truly awe-inspiring. The hospitality, warmth, and energy of the citizens are unforgettable, making  Nigeria a captivating and dynamic nation.” – Anthonia Okpaegbe

“It’s full of potentials, once the right leadership is in place.” – Ogechi Ogbonna., PhD, FCIB

“The optimistic energy and resilience of its citizens.” – Eguaikhide olorunfemi

“The weather, friendliness and the high energy level of my people.” – Anthony Ikemefuna

“The people are hardworking and resilient despite the many challenges they are facing.” – Kolawole Bello

“I appreciate the natural endowment, resilient citizens and diversity.” – Suwaiba Muhammad Dankabo


What are the parts of Nigeria that could have been improved to be able to live up to its potential?

“Tourism, International Trade, Craft Exhibitions and manufacturing and Real estate merchandising.” – Daniels Aide-Okun

“Nigeria like any other country faces challenges and there is always room for improvement. Some common issues often discussed include economic instability, infrastructure development, and security challenges. Addressing these can help to improve the quality of life for all citizens and further enhance the country’s potential for growth and progress.” – Anthonia Okpaegbe

“Leadership! Leadership!! Leadership!!!” – Ogechi Ogbonna., PhD, FCIB

“Leadership and governance.” – Eguaikhide olorunfemi

“Enthronement of the rule of law, and getting it right with leadership.

“The country would be better with proper structure, governance, and accountability.” – Kolawole Bello

“Inclusive and accountable Governance from national to State and Local levels, with diversified revenue base to raise the GDP and move the over 133 million people out of poverty. there is need to pay attention to provision of gender responsive public services at the grassroots level, from infrastructure, human resources and knowledge. this means improvement of primary health care, education, water and Agroecology to the most vulnerable people.” – Suwaiba Muhammad Dankabo


foodAnd the reason we all travel? -THE FOOD!

Local food in Nigeria is known for being tasty and spicy. If you are planning on visiting Nigeria, these are the dishes you should be looking for; Moin – Moin (Boiled beaning pudding) and Garri Flour, Pounded Yam and Banga Soup, Eva with local Achara and ukazi soup, Rice and beans cooked together with dodo, Pounded yam and bitterleaf soup, White rice and stew, Tuwon Shinkafa and Miyar Kuka.  

How to describe Nigeria in 3 words?

Daniels Aide-Okun: Diversity – Greatness – Pioneering Daniels 

Anthonia Okpaegbe: Nigeria is a diverse, vibrant, and dynamic country. 

Ogechi Ogbonna., PhD, FCIB: Dynamic, Traumatic, and yet, Hope-full! 

Eguaikhide olorunfemi: Diverse, energetic and exciting.

Anthony Ikemefuna: Gifted but underachieving.

Kolawole Bello: Hardworking, resilient people.

Suwaiba Muhammad Dankabo: Beautiful, large Muti-ethnic.

And, that’s all from Nigeria. What did you learn? We learned that we definitely need to make a trip to Nigeria. I, personally, was surprised by the diversity and largeness of the country. I learned that Nigeria has a bigger movie scene than Hollywood, and that I need some pounded yam and Banga soup for lunch today.

I wasn’t surprised by the warmth and welcoming arms of the people, their strength, determination, creativity and strong work ethic. I respect Nigerian culture and its people for their resilience,intelligence and drive for business. It inspires me in my career and personal life. I wish Nigerian people better government and leadership they deserve and nothing, but growth. 

What I didn’t learn about Nigeria is their dance. I know it has a rich culture, long history and is as diverse as its country and the continent of Africa, but for that, we are doing the trip!  Who is coming with us?  


Lastly, we would like to thank all students who participated in putting this article together. Let me introduce them:

  • I am Daniels Aide-Okun. Principal Lecturer at Istanbul University. Istanbul – Turkey. Am a Global Educator, Cosmopolitan Humanist, Leader, Orator, Life-Coach, Conceptualist, Founder, and an Author. I am an idealist, l believe in the super powers of humanity, intellectualism and spirituality. PhD in Human Resources
  • My name is Anthonia Okpaegbe (Nee Ajalie). I am proud to have earned my Master of Business Administration from LIGS University in 2017. LIGS was my choice due to its highly regarded reputation and flexible approach that allowed me to balance my studies with work. I have already put the knowledge and skills I gained at LIGS into practice in my career, and I am grateful for the positive impact they have had. I am confident that they will continue to serve me well in my future endeavors.
  • I am Dr Ogechi Ogbonna., PhD, FCIB. I am a professional banker, turned preacher, serving with Seventh-day Adventist Church. I studied Project Management (PhD) at LIGS. To me, studying at LIGS is one of the best things I fondly cherish. The study brought real meaning to my job as a Global Mission Project Coordinator.
  • Eguaikhide olorunfemi
  • My name is Anthony Ikemefuna. I am enrolled in the PhD Programme with Specialization in Project Management. So far, it has been challenging for me to juggle my academics with my family and official function.
  • Kolawole Bello. I studied PhD Finance at LIGS University
  • My name is Suwaiba Muhammad Dankabo, I chose to study for a PhD in Projects Management and I have gotten exactly what I wanted. a space to study within my own pace, irrespective of location and time. I have the opportunity of learning from excellently selected resource materials and listening to lectures from renown lecturers, professionals in their own fields. Student support is excellent.

Did you like our trip to Africa? Did you notice pictures from our students at the beginning of this article? How beautiful, right! What should be the next country we visit? Don’t hesitate to let us know!


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