Pilar Forcén Hernández

Assistant Professor

Pilar Forcén is a Spanish journalist and social communicator with almost 25 years of professional experience in mass media and communication cabinets, both nationally and internationally.

She currently works as a consultant and advisor on digital communication and marketing, specializing in the social, humanitarian, cultural and educational fields. In the last three years, she has worked for different clients such as organizations and foundations, cultural events and private companies.

She began her professional career working in mass media (radio, television, daily press and magazines) and for eighteen years (2000-2018) she worked in Red Cross communication offices, two years at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the Americas based in Panama.

She obtained her degree in Journalism from 1989 to 1994 at the Complutense University in Madrid (UCM). After that, she started a doctorate in Social Communication at the Rühr- Universität Bochum, in Germany, and finished her credits at UCM, obtaining recognition of research proficiency in 1997.

In her professional experience with the Red Cross, she has worked as a corporate communications manager and campaign coordinator, in internal communications, as a focal point and training instructor in communications and spokesperson training, a focal point for the media on issues of international cooperation, women, childhood and youth, emergencies, migration and volunteering. She has been an information delegate in different countries, covering mainly emergencies (tsunami in South Asia, hurricane seasons in the Americas, health outbreaks, earthquakes -Haiti and Chile 2010-).

And she has coordinated internal publications at the Spanish Red Cross such as the Magazine, the Guide to Publications and Advertising, and a Crisis Guide, and she has also co-written a social media Policy.

In the field of communication training, she has worked on the creation of materials, including a video tutorial for media relations, she has given communication and spokesperson courses to internal staff, and she has given training sessions in master's degrees at various Spanish universities such as Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and Universidad Jaume I in Castellón.

In the field of social networks, and thanks to her knowledge of Community Management, she coordinated for two and a half years a project to optimize the digital presence of the Red Cross focused on social listening.

As a professional interested in her field, she is in continuous training and recycling, learning about the use of ICTs, Community management, fact-checking, digital skills and Storytelling. She has a high level of English and an intermediate level of German.

As a tutor, she would like to be a source of inspiration for the students and get them interested in the subjects with the same passion as she does. She aims to accompany students from their own experience in the knowledge and use of tools and skills in the field of Communication.


Motto: You may not be able to achieve everything, but your knowledge and effort will bring you very close to it. Do it with passion and enjoy the path!