What do I get from studying
at LIGS University

LIGS University – 17 years of online education

For whom is the program intended?

For those who want to stand out

Connecting your professional life with your studies will immediately move you forward in your career.

For those who want a boost

Study with us in a wide range of subjects. Accelerate your new or existing career. Jump out of your stagnation and increase your competitiveness in the job market.

For those who need freedom

Access to the online library, school system or webinars is a matter of a few clicks. You create your own schedule according to your availability. You can plan your exam dates and finals as you wish.

For those who like to travel

Boundaries are not for us. We make learning possible for everyone. You can study with us wherever you are. Classes are completely online. You can contact us at any time.

For the winners

Increase your value in the marketplace and in life. We combine the best of academia and management practic

For those just hitting the ground running

By completing the program of your choice, you'll take the first step toward your success.

LIGS University Education

Online University Program

We use a one-to-one approach to education in our programs. For each course or module, you will be assigned a specific lecturer who will be available to consult and guide you in writing your papers. The lecturer provides you with assistance and expert guidance. In our education model, we use scientific knowledge, which we combine with practical, hands-on experience in each discipline. 

Study, family, career

Our programs are designed to help you balance your studies with your work and personal life. You plan your own study program, including time commitments. You study stress-free and to the best of your ability. The duration of your studies is in your hands and depends on your dedication only. 

Faculty members from over 50 countries of the world.

We combine the best of academia and management practice

At LIGS University, lecturers are people from prominent management positions and with extensive experience in their fields.

You choose the topics of your papers. You can thus work on current issues you encounter in your position or field. And immediately apply the know-how you have acquired in practice. Experienced lecturers provide you with feedback and, above all, motivate you to perform at your best.

The core concepts of LIGS University

No barriers

LIGS University online learning has broken down geographical, time and potential health barriers to access to studies. You can study from anywhere, all you need is an internet connection.

Personal approach

We are welcoming, open-minded, friendly, and we listen to you. You are not a number in the system. We take a personal approach at all levels.

Easy access

Study materials are available whenever you need them and in one place. Access to the online library and e-learning resources is just a few clicks away.

Take the next step towards
your career and success

Reach out to us

Still have questions? Book an appointment to speak with one of our application specialists.