LIGS University Rewarded Its Best Personas For 10th Time

eople at LIGS University are connected by the same value. That is a high-quality education for everyone. With this in mind, we hand over the LIGS Awards to those, who dedicated their effort to teaching and growth of individuals, teams or companies.

This year marks a decade (!) of handing over of these prestigious awards. The formal event happened at the beautiful scenery of Pruhonice Castle and Park, one of the UNESCO sites. Awards are given by LIGS, an international online university with students from more than 50 countries of the world. 

This year is marked by a significant change that we are very proud of. We decided to change the 10th LIGS Awards 2018 from a regional prize into an international one. From now on, LIGS Awards will be given for Czech and English programs separately. The new concept of this contest is also to incorporate the Lecturer of the Year award, which was announced separately, into the single LIGS Awards event. 

We decided to do this step because LIGS University is growing in numbers of students as well as tutors. It was the right time to raise the bar and the 10th anniversary of LIGS Awards gave us a great opportunity to do it,” says President of the LIGS Pavel Makovsky.

Because we care about feedback, the Lecturers of the Year were selected by our students. It took two rounds of voting to select the winner. In the first phase, any student could nominate any tutor. Five candidates with the most votes qualified for a second round, which happened in spring 2019. 

The awards were given out at the graduation ceremony of LIGS University students. We wanted our students and tutors to have a chance to meet in the “offline” world too,” adds Makovsky. 

Lecturer of the Year

The category Lecturer of the Year for Czech and Slovak programs won Roman Lindauer, who is very popular among students. He won the award multiple times. He decided to share the secret of his success with us:

I think that I treat my students as human beings and that I try to guide them without pushing them forcefully. I think it is beautiful to (…) help people grow and that students should be motivated and provoked with the questions they wouldn´t ask by themselves.”  


Lecturer of the Year for English programs won Dr. Minh Nguyen. He had this message for his students: “There is no limit to what you can do if you keep believing in yourself.” Dr. Minh was so kind as to make a video interview with us. 

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Graduate of the Year 

Another category of LIGS Awards is the Graduate of the Year. They are chosen each year by our Student Advisors since they know LIGS students the best.

MBA graduate Daniela Jurakova, Operations Manager (22) was selected among many other great students.  


We gave the award to Daniela, because she managed to finish her MBA in record time, even though she is very busy with work. Also, we must confess, that we cheer for young, ambitious women” smiles our Student Advisor Stephanie. 

We congratulate the awarded once again and hope, that their time with LIGS was, and still is, enjoyable.


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