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LIGS University

10.7. 2024

How to Go Back to Work After Vacation

Here it comes once again. Holiday season has come and gone, New Year’s Eve has been properly celebrated and your vacation has ended. It’s time to go back to work. But how can you do it without feeling stressed from the workload of the first few days? Believe it or not, it is quite simple. Keep...

10.7. 2024

Interview with scholarship holder Philip Kisham Kitasho

We at LIGS University believe that education is one of the greatest gifts anyone can get and we are dedicated to support those students who cannot afford to finance studies on their own. Therefore, we decided to offer a unique opportunity for one student from a developing country who would receive a fully-funded Interactive Online MBA scholarship! The winner of this...

10.7. 2024

What to Do When You Have No Motivation

Motivation is a curious thing. Sometimes we have plenty of it and sometimes we are barely able to get out of bed in the morning. Nevertheless, motivation is crucial if we want to achieve set goals. Therefore, we shouldn’t wait until it emerges itself. How about you try our tips next time you lack motivation?  ...

10.7. 2024

Sustainability Project Management (SPM) PART 1

A business is a firm or an agency that provide goods to customers and which in need for their product. Also, it is an exchange process between goods, services, or money to meet certain economic and social objectives, so it mainly depends on physical and financial capital. Author: Amr Sukkar  1.   INTRODUCTION A business is a firm or...

10.7. 2024

Sustainability Project Management (SPM) PART 2

Sustainable development as a function of organizational excellence results in a rather complex equation. This paper only presents some ideas for the ongoing debate. Please click here to read PART 1. 2. 2 Requirements of sustainable development Sustainable development as a function of organizational excellence results in a rather complex equation. This paper only presents some ideas for the ongoing debate. The...

10.7. 2024

How Can You Avoid Miscommunication in Your Workplace?

Communication among people is the greatest source of information. However, the information we gain might not always be very accurate. Miscommunication is quite naturally present in large corporations with hundreds of employees, but it can happen in small businesses just as easy. One thing in common is that it’s always damaging, as it creates conflicts...

10.7. 2024

Sustainability Project Management (SPM) PART 3

There is a growing recognition of the contributions of culture and the arts to finding creative solutions for global challenges. Please click here to read PART 1.Please click here to read PART 2. 2.4 Culture and Sustainability Project management There is a growing recognition of the contributions of culture and the arts to finding creative solutions for global challenges. Both civil...

10.7. 2024

Managing Financial Risks in International Trading PART 1

Through the foreign exchange market, money of one country is exchanged for that of another country. The exchange rate reveals the value of one unit of a currency to be exchanged for another currency, and the rate continuously floats due to multiple reasons. Author: Yen-Chih Lee 1. Introduction Through the foreign exchange market, money of one...

10.7. 2024

Managing Financial Risks in International Trading PART 2

Additionally, an MNE also suffers from operating risk which results from changes in the company’s future operating cash flows due to unexpected changes in the foreign currency exchange rates Please click here to read PART 1. 4. Managing Operating risk           Additionally, an MNE also suffers from operating risk which results from changes in the company’s future operating cash...

10.7. 2024

Are You an Active Listener?

In the previous article we focused on the question of miscommunication in workplace. One of the useful tips we recommended was that you become an active listener. However, some of you might not be familiar with this term so we decided to explain it a bit more. Being an active listener means, as the title suggests,...

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