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LIGS University

10.7. 2024

How to Set Your Goals in 2018

January is almost upon us and with it comes the time, when we set goals that we would like to achieve in the new year. However, setting goals is one thing, but achieving them is a bit more difficult than that. One must be willing to work over a long period of time and dedicate energy towards...

10.7. 2024

5 Tricks to Help You Focus

Modern age brought many wonderful inventions, such as smartphones, laptops and smart TVs, that allow us to watch the never-ending stream of information and entertainment. However, the information that constantly demands our attention leads to a drastic decrease of our attention span to mere 8 seconds. Yes, 8 seconds! This is even one second less than the...

10.7. 2024

How to Deliver an Authentic Apology to Your Clients

There will come a time (probably several times) in your career when you make a huge mistake. You’ll drop the ball on a client project, blank on something important, or hand in work missing essential parts. A project will be screwed irreparably. You’ll feel the weight of your boss’ scepter. You will let someone down. Of course it is important...

10.7. 2024

Effects of leadership on management of academic institutions PART 1

Unlike the leadership in organizations, it was perceived till date that leaders in Academic Institutions lead their people with an academic bend of mind. However, with the passage of time, the top level management at the academic institutions replaced the grey with black hairs.  Author: Smita Biswal Unlike the leadership in organizations, it was perceived till...

10.7. 2024

Effects of leadership on management of academic institutions PART 2

Motivation can be understood as an adrenaline rush which sets the employee onto a work mode automatically. As a part of the one of the important functions of management- Directing, motivation plays a crucial role in keeping the work force intact. Author: Smita Biswal Please click here to read PART 1. Motivation can be understood as an adrenaline rush which sets...

10.7. 2024

DBA at LIGS University listed among Top 9 Online Doctorates in Marketing

We are incredibly proud to announce that LIGS University was listed among the Top 9 Online Doctorates in Marketing by Best Marketing Degrees, which was created to explore the intersection of marketing and marketing education. Best Marketing Degrees rated DBA programs based on affordability, flexibility and core curriculum areas. DBA in Marketing at LIGS University...

10.7. 2024

How to Keep a Positive Online Reputation

For a modern company, it is absolutely necessary to develop presence in the digital world. If you think investing your time and money into social networks and websites is not worth it, then you are about to be very disappointed.  Potential customers, who have never heard about you or your product, like to do their research online...

10.7. 2024

How to Have Effective One On One Meetings

Most teams institute regular one-on-one meetings. But how many of these meetings provide benefits for both the manager and team member? Here are seven best practices for getting the most out of your one-on-ones. Set a consistent schedule for your meetings The first rule of successful one-on-ones is to set a realistic schedule you can stick with,...

10.7. 2024

How to Deal With a Bully at Work

Surely, most of you admit that working with colleagues is more fun and interesting than working alone. A strong bond often develops among colleagues and they spend their lunch breaks and even leisure time together. Nevertheless, human nature is diverse and you might sometimes come across a colleague who refuses to be friendly. He might even start...

10.7. 2024

Relational Leadership vs. Position Leadership

If anyone has started to read John Maxwell’s book “Developing the Leader Within You”. One will agree that a leader wants to become influential; he has to ensure he has the charisma that could attract his people willing to follow him. Author: Gilbert Chong Kwee Ng If anyone has started to read John Maxwell’s book “Developing the...

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