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LIGS University

9.7. 2024

Greetings from LIGS University

Dear friends of LIGS University, Let me share a few words to start off the new year. First of all, I would like to wish you all a successful start, which I hope will be filled not only with happiness and health but also with many achievements in your lives! 2016 was a very successful year for LIGS University and brought...

9.7. 2024

Effective Leadership In 21st Century, Part 2

This is a Generation X group. They are independent, family focused and do not impress bureaucracy. They are self-driven, hardworking and love social responsibility. They are entrepreneurs and love diversity. Unlike the boomers they do not like organization structure as they deal with task execution and direct communication. They do not appreciate hierarchy.  Part 1Part 3 GENERATION OF THE 70s...

9.7. 2024

Be a Manager like Barney Stinson: Inspirational TV Heroes

Who would not want Barney Stinson’s dream job in “How I Met Your Mother”? Thanks to this womanizer, the phrase “Suit up!” quickly became famous. Conversely, Stuart Bloom, owner of the comic store in the popular “Big Bang Theory”, is a rather deterrent example. Sitcom characters affect us more than we admit, they become familiar to us...

9.7. 2024

Effective Leadership In 21st Century, Part 3

Employees in this age group can be classified under linkster (facebook) generation. They are dependent on technology, they cannot carry out a simple task without using technological gadgets. They are closely connected to the social media and their parents. They spend most of their time on social media. Part 1Part 2 GENERATION OF THE 90s Employees in...

9.7. 2024

Small Talks. Turn Boring Phrases Into an Interesting Conversation

People are the best source of information. Although the Internet abounds with answers to almost every question, it is best to discover interesting events, valuable advice, experience, and news live. However, conducting a meaningful conversation is sometimes harder than it seems. Encounters and forced conversation with strangers can be stressful. There are many possible circumstances –...

9.7. 2024

Persuasive techniques of savvy businessmen: What tricks do they use?

What distinguishes proficient leaders from those less successful? The art of getting people on their side. You may have a brilliant idea, service or product, but if you do not convince others of its uniqueness, it will remain unknown. The art of convincing speech lies in well-chosen words. Thanks to the mastered techniques of persuasion, words are...

9.7. 2024

Morning Rituals: beat stress and be confident in just a few minutes

Morning is the most important part of the day. The feelings with which you wake up and go to work will usually accompany you until the evening. It’s up to you and your mood as to whether you spend the day in peace, without irritations or escalated emotions, or succumb to stress and negative thoughts. Here...

9.7. 2024

Six destructive work habits – get rid of them once and for all!

It is time to eliminate the bad habits that hinder us. Addiction to e-mail, needless comparisons with the achievements of others, gallons of coffee — all these have a disturbing effect on our performance and work efficiency. How does one combat these? It is important not to wave this problem away, but to admit one’s weaknesses...

9.7. 2024

Leadership blind spots: five unconscious mistakes that could lead a company on the path to ruin

Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to be able to own up to them. After we acknowledge our mistakes, we can begin to correct them. However, some areas take us down without us realizing it. They are the so-called blind spots. According to the author of a series of management publications John C. Maxwell, blind...

9.7. 2024

Understanding the Environmental and sustainability aspects of the Value chain Management

This article explores the impact of resources sustainability thinking on the organizations competitiveness and how leaders prioritize the environmental impact objectives of their operations among other business considerations.  Studies revealed that in today’s business environment the sustainability if employed in the value chain, companies would experience different pattern of reputation and gain advantage over competitors....

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