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LIGS University

9.7. 2024

Why Projects Fail | Poor Change Management & Control

To be successful, project teams must do many things well, such as enabling strong communication, provide well-documented objectives, and ensure clearly defined roles and responsiblities exist. Similarly, there are dozens of reasons leading to project failure (Young, 2021). Undoubtedly, poor change control is one of them. This scientific essay is volume one in a 4-part series of...

9.7. 2024

Interview with Alan Kraustengl | New Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of LIGS University

Who is now getting ready for his newest role with LIGS University as a Senior Vice President? Assoc. Prof. Alan Krautstengl, Ph.D., another fresh face of LIGS University. He has over 20 years of experience working in Higher Education in the USA. What lies ahead of his role at LIGS? Read more.  Welcome to our LIGS...

9.7. 2024

Why Projects Fail | Incorrect Methodology

Among the dozens of reasons causing projects to collapse (Young, 2021), few project practitioners speak of methodology. That is, the triple constraints of scope, time, cost, combined with quality, dominate the popular mainstream discourse concerning why projects fail. Few mention methodology. This is a mistake.  This article points out the importance of getting it right when...

9.7. 2024

Work-life balance | The key to success for every manager

Do you ever feel that you should have a workweek of at least 60 hours to get everything done, including balancing your studies, hobbies, and family? You’re not alone. Professional coach Rasheed Ogunlaro follows a great motto in such cases. “Always bring some play, fun, freedom, and wonder from the weekend into your week and work.” And...

9.7. 2024

Soft (Weak) Signals In The Strategy Of Planning Business Environments | Dr. Roberto Alejandro Llauró

Did you miss our latest webinar by Dr. Roberto Alejandro Llauró? Here’s his summary on the subject. Enjoy the read! 1. 1.a) WHAT IS BEING WELL INFORMED?  It is not to have a significant amount of information. It is having access to pertinent, interesting, useful and  selected information. It requires a predisposition to pro-action, attention and monitoring of...

9.7. 2024

Implications of Government Action on the Digital business economy | A Case Study on the Jamaican Economic and Innovative Environment

This scientific article aims to open the conceptual ideologies relating to the impact of the governmental regulative framework on the development of the digital business environment. The paper explores the possible correlations and level of significance between the development of an innovative economic systém through the measure of the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the...

9.7. 2024

Launching Global Education Scholarship Fund | For MBA prospective students

LIGS University recently launched its education scholarship fund for prospects who are driven professionals but still lack the proper funding for their education. Sounds like you? Keep on reading. Like every college and university, even we get inquiries for funding the studies. There are several ways to help with the tuition, and launching a Global Education...

9.7. 2024

A Critical Review of the Porter Hypothesis and Business Innovativeness – A look into Duan and Xia’s (2020) empirical study of Cities in China

Understanding the impact of government action on firms’ innovativeness and willingness to adopt new and emerging technology relies heavily on cross-discipline theoretical analysis. The quest exposes multiple theoretical cross-references that could provide valuable insight to crafting viable solutions. One such theory is the Porter Hypothesis, while narrow in scope, is valuable in principle. Thus, academics...

9.7. 2024

The Success behind the 5-Hour Rule

How to become a world-renowned leader? And what do those who are among them, like Barack Obama or Bill Gates, have in common? If you want to find out, read on.  They devote their already limited free time to regular reading and constant self-education. When studying, they follow the 5-hour rule to keep themselves on track for...

9.7. 2024

The Covid19 Pandemic Puts Traditional Banks in a Triangular Risk Impact Position

TheCovid19 Pandemic has created a business environment in which the Traditional Banks have been encapsulated with various risks on three fronts, namely: the social-economic front, digital transformation front, and demand landscape front. This scenario is explained by a Theoretical Triangular Risk Frameworkstated in the introduction of this paper. Each front has inherent risks facing the banks. The...

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