
11.7. 2024

How could Agile Manifesto benefit non-IT organisations

The study aims to explore the potential of the Agile Manifesto and how its principles could assist the business to become more flexible and resilient. In the first part, the paper introduces the Agile principles and elaborates on the methodology. The author concludes that the Agile principles represented by the Manifesto are transferable across a variety...

11.7. 2024

The Dynamics of Project Team Management: Practical Guidelines For Success

The goal of this paper is to take a broad look at the conceptual and practical dimensions of team management within the larger context of project integration management. The author’s burden is to enlighten (with a view to arousing the interest of) both project team managers and their team members, on the need for the development of...

11.7. 2024

How To Manage Your Time Effectively

Time management is the ability to use our time effectively in all the important areas of our life.  The concept includes many different tools, from setting priorities, planning, using technology tools, effective communication, etc. The key principles of time management will be briefly described below. Clear goals A clear definition of objectives (ideally in the...

11.7. 2024

A Proposal of an Integrated Framework for Measuring the Project Manager´s Competency and its Effect on their Performances

This study proposes to develop an integrated conceptual model for measuring the extent to which project managers possess the essential competencies and the effect of their competency (or their team members) on their performances. The proposal is necessitated by the fact that consistent observations and the literature have shown that there are yawning gaps in...

11.7. 2024

Stress Management

There are many definitions of stress. Generally, we can say that stress occurs when a person encounters an event that they perceive as threatening their physical or mental well-being. We call these events stressors and the response to them – stress. The stressor may be physical (e.g. an animal attacking me) or just mental (e.g. thinking...

11.7. 2024

Výzkum ZUŠ: Výsledná zpráva z dotazníkového šetření

Dotazníkové šetření je třetí fází výzkumu projektu disertační práce nesoucí pracovní označení „Výzkum ZUŠ“. Probíhalo shodně s prvními dvěma fázemi v druhé polovině školního roku 2014/2015 (únor až červen 2015). Je orientované na základní umělecké vzdělávání, protože autor získal praxi právě na tomto typu škol. Jeho cílem bylo zjistit organizační zajištění tvorby a implementace ŠVP a poodhalit existenci střední úrovně řízení...

11.7. 2024

Managers´ Display of Empathy as a Stimulant for Employee Motivation

Recent breakthroughs in technology and the spread of globalization have exposed businesses to stiffer competitive environment where organizations have to continually strive to survive. Globalization has also brought about increase in multinational organizations where people from different countries and cultural values are employed to work as a team to achieve common organizational goals. The advantages resulting...

11.7. 2024

LIGS Launches New Cybersecurity Courses

We are very happy to announce that LIGS takes another step forward in providing modern programs for contemporary job market needs with new courses focused on Cybersecurity. Managers without at least basic knowledge of IT and data protection will soon be a thing of the past. That is why we upgraded our IT Management courses for Cybersecurity knowledge...

10.7. 2024

Being a Directional Drilling Engineer

One of the most prestigious job in the Oil and Gas upstream industry is of Directional Drilling Engineer. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the responsibilities of Directional Drilling (DD) Engineer and how this precious segment of the Oil and Gas industry is contributing to its success. There are many roles that converge under the...

10.7. 2024

A Peek in MWD (Measurement While Drilling Engineer) Job

There are many segments that attribute to the Oil and Gas sector to keep things running. Measurement, while the drilling segment is one of that segment which helps in identifying the actual direction of well, bore that in turn helps in hitting the downhole reservoir in the right direction. The duty of MWD (Measurement while...

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