
10.7. 2024

Global Teams: Can they be managed from a central point of control?

Globalization is rapidly taking place, and the world is gradually becoming a global village. Globalization is changing the business environment; businesses are learning that. In today’s environment, their success greatly depends on how geographically dispersed their workforce is. The availability of several types of modern communication channels and tools and information systems enables multicultural teams to...

10.7. 2024

Leadership Traits for Organizational Success

Leadership is a vital aspect for development and success of any business organization. Leadership is one of the most important aspects in any business organization as it determines the overall success of the particular organization in all key activities and functionalities (“The Importance of Leadership Skills to Organizational Success” 2018). When a business fails to achieve its...

10.7. 2024

Team Conflict Dynamic Model & Project Success

The process of conflict resolution within the project team is a vital activity that determines project success Conflicts within a project team are inevitable due to ideological differences which is a human nature. However, constructive conflicts within the project teams are healthy and ultimately ensure that the particular project effectively achieves its primary objectives. Project managers who act...

10.7. 2024

Overcome Change Resistance in Software Development Projects

For any project manager to overcome change resistance they must appreciate the role of people change management and not only this, they should implement it. When planning and allocating time for the project and all the required resources the involvement of end users should not be neglected in the process also they should look on...

10.7. 2024

Establishing a PMO using Agile Approach

Project management is a critical business activity especially in the contemporary business environment characterized by rapid technological innovations and advancements. INTRODUCTION Project management is a critical business activity especially in the contemporary business environment characterized by rapid technological innovations and advancements. For a business organization to be successful, it has to ensure effective project management approach that will...

10.7. 2024

Corporate Venture Capital as a Contributor to Company Innovation

Stiff competition among businesses due to limited constomers and change in tastes and preferences of these customers over time have caused companies to frequently develop new products and services to meet the evolutional needs of these customers. 1. Introduction Stiff competition among businesses due to limited constomers and change in tastes and preferences of these...

10.7. 2024

The Role of Rural Banks in Agricultural Development in Ghana

According to Diaw 1981, various governments of Ghana have always included the development of agriculture in their development plans. 1. Introduction Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ghanaian economy (Tetteh, 1994: 3). According to Diaw 1981, various governments of Ghana have always included the development of agriculture in their development plans. They have recognized that...

10.7. 2024

The Role of Leadership in Project Management

A project in any business organization is a vital and critical undertaking that require concentration and full dedication from all participants because the success or failure of any business project determines the direction that the particular firm takes in the current and future business environments. INTRODUCTION Project management is a crucial task that any individual can be...

10.7. 2024

The Effects of Budgetary Control on Effectiveness of NGOs in Ghana

Many organizations believe that budget control is essential for corporate internal controls as such; it ensures judicious utilization and proper distribution of available resources to the organization. Introduction Many organizations believe that budget control is essential for corporate internal controls as such; it ensures judicious utilization and proper distribution of available resources to the organization....

10.7. 2024

Welcome on board Gary D. Robinson, Ph.D. new LIGS University Provost and Vice-President

On October 1st, 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, US – LIGS University warmly welcomed Gary D. Robinson, Ph.D. as a new Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. “Gary Robinson has vast experience in Higher Education and in positions of leadership. We are happy to welcome him on board as our new colleague”, said Pavel Makovsky, President of...

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