
10.7. 2024

Developing a Framework & Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Mobile Device Rooting / Jailbreak.

Jailbreaking and rooting are basically one and the same concept. Jailbreaking is considered as rooting by Android users. We are going to explore the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Mobile Device Rooting / Jailbreak. How Rooting Works – A Clarification of the Android Rooting Process Jailbreaking and Rooting are one and the same thing. In essence,...

10.7. 2024

How Can You Improve Your Career Development?

We spend up to one third of our lives at work and our job is one of the most significant things in our adulthood. It is therefore important that our job is fulfilling and entertaining, thereby contributing to our overall satisfaction. We all know there are only a few things more depressing than waking up in...

10.7. 2024

How to Study While Working Full-Time

In the previous post we discussed the necessity of continuous career development. You will surely agree that career stagnation leads to frustration, demotivation and productivity decline. From our experience we know that one way to get out of this unfavorable state is to start studying! Studying opens up a few opportunities. You can devote yourself to...

10.7. 2024

Educational change management

Have you ever heard of “Educational marketing” or “School PR management”? If no, this article is definitely for you. Today, education became a part of social sphere supports the government direction and policy within the students’ preparation for the labor activity. Since the industrial and economical changes, the educational institutes have become the service sectors, producing...

10.7. 2024

Mentoring: Adapting to the Educational Model

Mentoring has long been recognized as an important tool deployed by management to develop the skills and competencies of staff, specifically those recognized as high performers.  A mentoring relationship, in various forms, seeks to develop the protégé in two broad areas: vocational/task training and psychosocial support (Fine and Pullins, 1998).  Although there is a wide range...

10.7. 2024

How to Set SMART Goals

We want to constantly develop and move forward in our lives but sometimes we face problems when setting up the right goals to help us get there. If this is your case, too, then let us introduce you the SMART goals, that will surely make your life a bit easier. What does SMART stand for SMART...

10.7. 2024

Congratulations to the Lecturer of the Year 2017

Lecturers are an integral part of LIGS University and we are proud of each and every one of them. Annually, we award one lecturer with the “Lecturer of the Year” prize for his or her exceptional performance annually. The prize is awarded based on preferences of students and the team of LIGS University. We are...

10.7. 2024

What Are the Attributes of a Good Leader

They say good leaders are born, not made. Be it as it may, there are certain attributes that good leaders must have in order to succeed. These are such personal qualities that make the individual worth following. Unlike managers and executives, whose positions in a company’s hierarchy are given, individuals with attributes of leaders might be...

10.7. 2024

Recruitment and Selection: Job Descriptions

In a global, competitive environment it is most often the people in an organization that make the difference between success and failure.  Types of job descriptions A tool of this importance attracts a fair bit of commentary and of course a variety of opinions about the instrument.  In the more traditional approach to writing job descriptions they are...

10.7. 2024

5 Tips to Make a Successful Career Change

Unfortunately, not every one of us will find a dream job right from the start. We often think we know exactly what we want to do in our lives. Confrontation with reality and everyday routine, however, often leads to gradual realization that a dream career is not completely for us. It might happen to someone quite soon, to...

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