
10.7. 2024

How to ask for a raise

Asking for a raise is a stressful – and often a downright awkward – experience. Money is hard enough to talk about in the first place: When most people have to ask their boss for more, their anxiety levels shoot through the roof. If you’re not a natural negotiator, there might always be a touch of nervousness when it comes...

10.7. 2024

How to hire the right employee

It is getting increasingly difficult to hire the right employee. Not that there are any skilled people, but booming economy leads to more open job positions, leaving job-seekers with a window of opportunity being wide open. So, what can you do when you want to hire the right person for the job? Hire interns. Hiring interns is ideal...

10.7. 2024

How to lead a successful project team?

Teams always look up at their Project Manager to lead them, guide them, provide the necessary tools, templates, guidelines, scope and all necessary parameters of the project. Let’s analyze these five steps that would surely help lead to a successful team. 1. Purpose, Goal, Outcome Project Manager has to gather the team and clarify the purpose of the...

10.7. 2024

Make your employees happy with these benefits

In our previous article we focused on the topic of hiring the right employee. We shared with you a few useful tips on how to choose the best candidate for the job you offer. But your concern doesn’t end with signed contract. It is your responsibility now to make sure the employee is content and won’t...

10.7. 2024

How to sell yourself?

Unless you’re a narcissist, self-promotion isn’t an instinctive behavior. In fact, promoting yourself and your work can feel downright unseemly. But in today’s society the competition is huge and what you know is not the most important thing anymore. It’s whether the right people know about it. Therefore if you want to succeed in your career, you...

10.7. 2024

How to increase your emotional intelligence

It is increasingly more demanding to be a good manager. You should have deep knowledge of your business field, and have good organizational and presentation skills. Another essential skill that you should not lack is emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to understand, manage and express your own emotions, as well as...

10.7. 2024

The Culture of Responsible Decision Making at Melhema, PART 1

This case study is the story of Melhema’ sustainability performance and culture. Melhema is a fictional name of the case-study-company name. Throughout the story, we aim at uncovering how responsible decisions at Melhema were made. Author: Ali Abou Melhem This case study is the story of Melhema’ sustainability performance and culture. Melhema is a fictional name of the...

10.7. 2024

4 things which will make you more successful at work

Success won’t just fall into your lap. You have to earn it through hard work, dedication, and a great attitude.  In order to succeed in your career, you’ll also need to develop the right set of habits. The very best people, in any walk of life, are those who are constantly challenging themselves and are setting...

10.7. 2024

The Culture of Responsible Decision Making at Melhema, PART 2

The resulting report of the management survey assesses the responses based on the two previously mentioned elements of responsible decision making. Author: Ali Abou Melhem Please click here to read PART 1. Analyzing Survey Results The resulting report of the management survey assesses the responses based on the two previously mentioned elements of responsible decision making: These elements...

10.7. 2024

How to disagree effectively?

People often find it scary to disagree with someone, especially in the workplace. They are afraid of starting a conflict or losing the good relationship with their boss. Yet, the most effective teams and organizations regularly disagree about ideas, goals, strategies, and implementation steps. Only very few people realize how important it is to speak up...

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