Uncovered: Who Is Behind Every Successful LIGS University Student?!

9. 2. 2019

Communicating with people from all around the world is their everyday life. They are the ones who first communicate with our applicants, lead them through the enrollment process, and turn them into students. Who are we talking about? Our colleagues from the Admission Office!  Have you ever wondered who´s on the other line of the phone call? What is the person that answers all your e-mails like? Let´s meet them!

Hi Klara, hi Tereza. In the beginning - what is your day at work like? 

Klara: We take care of applicants, which means that we guide them through the process of enrollment until they become students. We help them choose a program that suits their needs, explain the practicalities of the studies, find the best way for them to pay the tuition, and we answer all their questions. Whether it is about our programs or specializations that are available, we are ready to help. 

Tereza: We are also responsible for the administration. We have to make sure the documents provided by the applicants are complete as it is set by our standards and requirements. We also forward all applications and scholarship requests to the Scholarship Admission Committee and present the arguments that will allow our applicants to get the best possible scholarship. 

What kind of questions do you get the most often? 

Klara: A lot of questions are about the online form - whether they can really study everywhere and how it works. From e-tests to the dissertation thesis defense. 

Tereza: Applicants often ask about scholarships and our accreditation. Our main goal is to get to know the applicants better and provide them with a solution that suits their individual needs, and for them to get to know LIGS University as much as possible.  We strive to live up to the mission and values of our university - to provide quality and affordable education to students from around the world online. 

Klara and Tereza

From the left: Klara, Tereza

What do you like the most about your job?

Klara: Definitely to see our students at the graduation ceremony. That is the moment I am proud of my contribution and I feel that my job is meaningful. I enjoy so much getting to know people from different countries. Thanks to this, I realized that we might come from different countries, different backgrounds, but education is priceless everywhere. 

Tereza: I agree with Klara. I am studying to become a teacher and my life purpose is to help people get the life they desire by educating themselves. I am also very happy when we can negotiate a good scholarship for our applicants. 

Let´s not look at your job only through rose-tinted glasses. Do you also deal with unpleasant situations? 

Klara: Of course, but gladly, not too often. What can happen sometimes is that applicants don´t have a sufficient level of English, which makes communication with them difficult. Sadly, good English is one of the requirements for studying, so we cannot accept them to the program. I am also a bit bummed about the fact that we cannot provide full scholarships.  

Tereza: The challenging part of the job is that lots of applicants live in different time zones. So it´s not unusual to get a phone call in the middle of the night. :) You can´t do this job from 9 to 5 since our goal is to respond to questions as soon as possible. 

How you manage to motivate yourself when things get tough sometimes and you´re stressed out?

Klara: A nice chat with my colleagues helps a lot. There is a very friendly atmosphere in the office and we help each other when we´re feeling down. :) I also remind myself that I truly love the University. I started here a few years ago as an Assistant and later was offered a promotion to the Admission Office, which I am very grateful for.

Tereza: It helps me to know that I am a part of an innovative approach to education and that I am learning a lot of things that I can apply later to my teaching career. And going for a glass of wine after work with colleagues sometimes works magic. :) 

What do you do to make your work more effective? 

Tereza: We are constantly trying to improve our system so we don´t have to deal with unnecessary administration. Currently, we are trying to improve our emails so we can shift our attention more to individual needs and questions of the applicants. 

Klara: I work closely with our colleagues that administer our live chat so people can be attended 24/7, even when I am not working. I also schedule our webinars. I choose one webinar to be made public on a monthly basis, so we can provide our applicants with an insight on how our studies work. 

Girls add: “If you are considering further education, or you want to know more about LIGS University, do not hesitate to contact us. We will happily answer your questions, guide you through the enrollment process and welcome you among our students.” 

If you want to know who will help you with your studies when you become a LIGS University student, have a look at the interview with our Student Advisors.


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