
9.7. 2024

Effective Leadership In 21st Century, Part 1

In the 21st Century, businesses are fast growing and dynamic. There is technology which keeps on changing every now and then, government regulations, competition, and workforce demography.  Part 2Part 3  Modern Leaders need to put all this in mind to remain afloat. Leaders are supposed to anticipate what is going to happen in the near future,...

9.7. 2024

Tutor of the year 2014

To kick off February, LIGS University granted the fifth “Tutor of the year” award.  The award for the best tutor of the last year went to Mr. Roman Lindauer, Dipl. Mgmt., who is an independent consultant and lector in the field of Management and Risk Management. At LIGS University he is the tutor of on Strategic Management, Risk...

9.7. 2024

How to make a weekly task schedule

There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get things done on our to-do list. A day has only 24 hours and to work, exercise, relax, meet with friends or travel during just one day is simply not feasible. But if we look at these activities from a weekly perspective and plan our schedule correctly, our...

9.7. 2024

How to plan work effectively

Time management, time scheduling, task management – we can name it in many ways. Probably everyone has struggled and dealt with it in some capacity in either their professional or personal life. Effective planning of work and time is an issue many of us have trouble with. All of us experience the same amount of...

9.7. 2024

How to write a CV

A well-written CV is an essential step toward crossing the doorstep of a new company and finding suitable employment. HR managers pay attention to your resume only for a few seconds and then switch to the next one. 50% of resumes are immediately discarded because of their low quality. Thus it is imperative that you choose the...

9.7. 2024

Study online and effectively

The benefits of studying online are becoming more and more apparent as digital communications become increasingly more streamlined through our desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Today, approximately 4 million students are involved in distance or online coursework. Why not be one of them? Join hundreds of thousands of self/learning students and enroll in a program of...

9.7. 2024

Chamber of Commerce Hawaii – New Member Welcome

LIGS University representatives have participated in the New Member Welcome at the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii – it was a pleasure meeting new members of the Chamber of Commerce and make very special bonds with the community! The New Member Welcome is an excellent opportunity to get to know the great professionals, staff and business members from the Chamber of Commerce....

9.7. 2024

8 things you should know about an MBA study program

You’ve undoubtedly heard about an MBA program already. Are there still some things that are not clear to you? If so, you don’t have to scroll through websites and search for answers anymore. The following overview gives answers to the most common questions. What is an MBA program? It is a management education program that mainly...

9.7. 2024

What is one to study after obtaining a bachelor degree?

Have you just completed your bachelor degree program, or did your education finish with a high school diploma and you’re thinking about expanding your education further? Does enrolling at a state university seem a bit daunting because it is too theoretical? An online MBA program may be the alternative you’re looking for.  Why An MBA Or MSc? Students...

9.7. 2024

Body language: How to use gestures to look confident

Men and women have been known to communicate through gestures in completely different ways. This is addressed further in the course. Your gestures can leave an impression that you are either strong or cowardly.  What’s more, they can also affect the impression that you have of yourself. Effective non-verbal communication can be taught. MBA study of...

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