
10.7. 2024

How to Manage International Virtual Teams

In today’s globalized world of multinational corporations, borders are no longer perceived as an obstacle to the functioning of the team. Communication with the international members of the team has become yet another daily activity for many of us. However, joining a well-established system of a large corporation is different from having to set up new processes...

10.7. 2024

LIGS University at the Academic Resource Conference in San Francisco

During the conference, President LIGS University Dr. Pavel Makovsky will be presenting a paper called „LIGS University – the journey from Europe to the USA“. Academic Resource Conference, which will be held between 25th and 27th April 2018 in San Francisco, USA, is organized by the accreditation association WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), which is recognized...

10.7. 2024

Interview with LIGS Ambassador Elvira Sarsenova

We are very proud to introduce you our new LIGS Ambassador Elvira Sarsenova. We would like to thank Elvira for taking time out of her busy schedule to provide such an inspiring interview. Have a nice read! Hello Elvira, could you please tell us something about yourself? Can you briefly describe your career path? I have...

10.7. 2024

How not to stay ignorant of what is really happening in the organization?

The higher your position in the organization, the harder it is for you to stay informed about what is really happening in the company. The bad news – if they even reach you – are presented in the best light. So how to learn the real truth about what is going on “in the field”?...

10.7. 2024

Communicate or Perish

Everybody knows how important is to be a good communicator. We communicate every time even when you don’t say anything. Experts say that the non-verbal communication is around 65% while the verbal communication is 35%. The communication is today’s most important skill, not only in your job but in all areas of your life. You need...

10.7. 2024

LIGS University at the „Future Perfect“ Conference

At the end of April, we took part in the “Future Perfect” conference organized by the WASC, which is our accreditation association recognized by the US Department of Education. There were approximately 887 participants, such as the WASC representatives, colleagues from various universities and a number of partners. LIGS University was represented by its founder and President Dr....

10.7. 2024

Interview with DBA graduate Gilbert Ng

We are very proud to introduce you our DBA graduate Gilbert Ng, who is also our new LIGS Ambassador. Gilbert kindly agreed with this interview and we are sure we will hear more from him soon! Have a nice read! Hello Gilbert, could you please tell us something about yourself? Can you briefly describe your career path?...

10.7. 2024

Why You Should Consider an Online University After Leaving a Traditional University

Students drop out of university for many reasons and it’s more common than you think. According to a survey by the National Student Clearinghouse, only 55 percent of first-time undergrads who started university in the Fall of 2008 finished a degree within six years, while the rest of the 45 percent may not have completed their degree at all....

10.7. 2024

Introducing the new scholarship holder Amena Khavari

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. We at LIGS University truly believe that, but we also realize that not everyone has the chance to get the education he or she wants. That is why we decided to offer a fully-funded MBA scholarship to one lucky student...

10.7. 2024

PhD graduate Amr Sukkar talks about his new book

We recently had a chat with our PhD graduate Amr Sukkar from Egypt, who wrote a book titled Leadership in a Green Business Era. Naturally, we are very proud of Amr and his achievement, so we wanted to hear more about it!  Hello Amr, you recently wrote a book titled “Leadership in a Green Business Era”. Could you tell us what...

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