Jordanna Sheermohamed, member of LIGS University Board of Trustees

11. 29. 2018

Interview with Jordanna Sheermohamed, member of LIGS University Board of Trustees, member of Weather Forecast Solutions (President and Lead Meteorologist), Associate Professor, former Director of Operations, and former Academic Program Director.

Jordanna SheermohamedAloha, could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, I’m Jordanna Sheermohamed.  I’m a meteorologist that owns and operates a private weather company which provides weather and environmental support for both the government and the private sector.

Additionally, I have over 10 years of experience in higher education, including two years as an administrator and 10 years in the classroom, both within the ground and the online environment.

I received both my M.S. and B.S. in Meteorology, with a minor in math and physics from the Florida State University and I consider myself an eternal student.

Where did you hear about LIGS University and what inspired you to take on the role of a board member?

A colleague of mine contacted me about the opportunity to join the Board of Trustees. I love the idea of being a part of a global university which appeals to students from various backgrounds.

What areas are important and interesting for you as a Board member?

I think it’s extremely exciting to be a part of a movement that will certainly lead the way for an overhaul of the education industry.  Every year we observe major advancements in various industries, and it’s exciting to be a part of this overhaul, from the ground up!

What are your goals as a Board member?

My goal is to provide support, offer suggestions, and lend any of my expertise to this growing institution. All while keeping student interest at the epicenter of my actions while adhering to the LIGS University mission and objectives.

What do you like about working in the field of education?

My inner eternal student loves to be in the vicinity of learning and observing how education changes with technological advancements and integration.

What do you think are the benefits of an online form of education?

With the level of multitasking required in our present society, online education offers an opening to those who cannot adhere to the requirements of traditional brick and mortar institutions. The online environment allows even the busiest of students to successfully include educational endeavors into their big-picture goals.

In your opinion, what are the main reasons for choosing LIGS University as a student?

LIGS allows students of many backgrounds and multiple primary languages to meet and interact with each other while getting a solid education from an equally diverse faculty.  This is the next generation of education.

What do education and personal development mean to you?

I hold these things dear, as we should all strive to improve, be better, and continually grow both mentally and personally.  We should all desire to learn something every day and live a life where goals are always set in place and within reach.

LIGS University is currently involved in the accreditation process with WASC. Do you see the value of accreditations for universities and for students?

Accreditation guarantees that students are getting an education from a university that has undergone rigorous background checks, and strictly adheres to a set of standards that put the student’s interest above all. On the side of the university, accreditation allows for a stronger framework to help the university develop and continually grow to meet/exceed its previous standards.

Thank you for your time

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